MacOS vs Windows vs Linux/GNU

OS battle thread.
Come with your best arguments...!
Share your valuable experience to those who are less experienced.

Basic notifications:
1) This thread focuses mostly on learning, development and multitasking.
2) Every OS have pros and cons. Any OS is tremendous powerful in the right hands.
3) It's well known wine and dual-boot is popular.

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>OS battle thread
How old are you?

I use both macOS and Linux on a daily basis, and I'm pretty familiar with Windows too, because I'm not 12 years old.

> Having a productive discussion with ARGUMENTS is such a bad thing, oh my god.

Anyone taking filthy frank serious should go to therapy.

>OS flamewar on fucking 4chins
>productive discussion
You're delusional. Go suck on some youtube reviewer or something, that's probably more up your alley when it comes to technical understanding.

what is a linux?

Fucking botnet, and fucking updates... But it works relatively stable, it doesn't fuck brains much, and it has a lot of software (games, programs, CADs, and other shit). Also it has good legacy compatibility.
And it is sort of standard, everyone is familiar with it, and what it is.
Super stable, open-source, doesn't fuck brain at all (if you know what are you doing, obviously), has Wine, that has OK compatibility with Windows, and there are enough programs, including proprietary CADs.
>Mac OS X
Fucking shit. Just doesn't work.
Want to do something? You need a fucking app-store. Shitty legacy compatibility, apps sometimes are not compatible with older version (unlike GNU or Windows). It doesn't just work.
Just shit, that stops you from doing stuff your way. It is a fucking facebook OS, not real thing. Even ChromeOS is less restrictive than this shit.

fuck all your shit we need a microkernel os

>Want to do something? You need a fucking app-store.
incorrect. I assume you've never heard of .dmg files or the Homebrew project?
>It is a fucking facebook OS, not real thing. Even ChromeOS is less restrictive than this shit.
You greatly underestimate MacOS. It's not great, but I use it as a "I want to use GNU/Linux but I need some proprietary shit that isn't supported and I'd rather not touch Windows with a 10 foot pole.

>I assume you've never heard of .dmg
Yes, it is a mountable image with *.app? And? It doesn't fix that most of fucking apps are not compatible with older OS X, and you can't get iMovie and other shit in *.dmg, only via appstore. Or shit for Microsoft stuff (like RDP client) - only appstore.
>or the Homebrew project?
Requires xcode, and on Windows or GNU/Linux you don't need fucking xcode for it.
>You greatly underestimate MacOS.
No. Mac OS is a totally unstable bloat.

Apple is gay.


checked for truth


Like clockwork

love almost everything about linux
use windows to can play games, fucked.


>OS battle thread.

Install all of them in VMs then use the pros and ignore the cons. Problem fucking solved.

grats you fit in now

>Want to do something? You need a fucking app-store.
what is brew

Or even mac-ports, if you're the kind of masochist that enjoy a good ol' fashioned ports-based system.

mac os > bsd > linux > anything > windows
proof: you can run almost any BSD or Linux program without any effort, but Mac also has useful proprietary programs which are platform exclusive or mac and windows only.
Also Finder/Aqua are pretty nice and better than X11 anything.
you don't need xcode for homebrew

>fanboy flamewar thread
If you want to dedicate a thread for shitposting then post it on Sup Forums.

>Linux program
By compiling from source. Or is there an ELF -> MachO converter?

Debate the point faggot. It's not about fitting in or not, in fact you're the only one obsessing over the fact.