We need immigrants

We need immigrants.
We need immigrants.
We need immigrants.

What did he mean by this?

>My planet is beautiful France
>My race is human
>I am a woman

Some riveting comments on that poster.

Japan is for the European man only. No other foreigners.

You need to calm down



hell no


>My planet is beautiful France

I thought this planet is free United States?

This poster is a foreigner and probaly a Korean.
Nobody in japan likes immigrants.
t. egao sensei

>Letting immigrants flood your country

Why would you ever like immigrants?

"t." refers to yourself unless proceeded by the >>
t. knower


>jap men don't want to have sex
>their women are so desperate to fuck
>cheating is okay in japan
>women want to date foreigners, men don't

What's wrong with these people?

They're mystery and this is how things should stay, I suppose.

>women want to date foreigners

I see it many times when there is an interview video, your women are ugly anyway dude


>Trusting Canadians to translate french


>France is my world
>I am part of the HUMAN race
>I am a woman (i.e. as in I am a human too)

You need to rearrange for different sentence structures from french to english.

>No-one in Japan likes immigrants

While this is true in less metropolitan areas, you guys can't spot immigrants for shit. I've had friends being complimented on showing me around when they're viet or chinese, and no-one exactly cottons on.

>80 hour weeks

Well yeah, I wouldn't want to have sex in those conditions, I'd need the power of boners just to get up in the fucking morning.

>an interview video

>Nobody in japan likes immigrants.
What about my girlfriend and her family and my friends? But her grandmother scares me.


France is my world would translate to
>La France est mon monde.

I am part of the human race would be
>Je fais parti de la race humaine.

I am a human too would translate to
>Je suis humain aussi.

Looks like you might need a bit more French immigrants, Nigel.

I feel like Japanese girls just say they'd like to date foreigners and in reality most of them would actually be put off by the prospect if given the opportunity.

French has reverse subject order matter to English, that's the problem. Though yes, the last quote was tenuous in the picture.

Also, fuck you for implying I'm from the south east or support UKIP. If someone actually was proud of their Kent heritage they'd go around giving high sixes all the time.

>French has reverse subject order matter to English

That rule only applies half of the time at best.

>J'aime manger.
>I like to eat.


That's how gooks speak, not french.

Or you could just have more sex?

You're thinking of the Moon