Do you have to be depressed to like this album?

Do you have to be depressed to like this album?

Because I'm a pretty well adjusted dude, gf and job and all and I just don't understand the hype.

I did find loads more enjoyment out of depressing droney albums when I became alone and depressed

No. I'm usually not into slow/sad kind of music. And my life is shit, but I'm usually not depressed. It's just a really nice listen.

Maybe drink a bit of alcohol before you listen or something. I think there are some biological reasons why alcohol and weed seem to make downtempo stuff sound better and stims make uptempo sound better.

Nah. It's sad in a more "existential dread in the face of the coming century" way than plain old depression, more moody than depressing.
Their latest album on the other hand is straight up sad

no? the songs are just fucking great

You need good taste.

I liked the album because the music I listened to before it was Mozart and Stravinsky.

If anything this is less anxious and paranoid than OKC

nah op, radiohead is a terrible band

I have a fantastic job, great apartment, am absolutely not depressed, and generally live a wonderful life and I still like this album

so no


What's wrong do you not have good taste?

fuck of boldfaure


No. You just have pleb tier taste.

Liking Kid A is pretty pleb.

I love radiohead

Thinking Kid A = greatest album of all time is pleb.

Liking Kid A is just normal.


Nah, liking Kid A is pleb.

What do you like then?

you're pleb for thinking that

The sounds of Jupiter and Neptune.

Maybe, but at least I'm not a pleb that thinks Kid A is good.
