Dude everything is harmful, including life itself

>dude everything is harmful, including life itself
>escape it

He was right though, albeit too obtuse for my taste.


What the fuck?

What is this autism? What's wrong with the "harmful" things?

They work.

Death, you're dead, you're alive for a bit, then you're dead again. Right now everyone is a dream of the dead. There's more death to you than life so in a sense, there is just some life in the middle of death.

Bring you're faggotry back to

They don't work.

>pdf doesn't work

>Or better yet, don't use HTTP
Okay now that's just fucking nutty

tb.h the hardware itself is harmful.

we need a fully open source hardware

Life is bloated, death is more minimal.

the hardware industry is bullshit.
good luck with that.


go away uriel

We need to destroy industrial society.

dumb anime poster

the looks so cute and slightly retarded its adorable!

>C, Go, Limbo as alternatives to C++, Python, Java

Has this fucking hipster ever had a real job?

>hierarchical filesystems as an alternative to SQL databses

What the actual fuck?

>believing in an afterlife.

When you're dead you're dead.
sorry kiddo.

How the fuck is GNU harmful?

these kind of autists spend their entire adult lives in education or working for literal-who foundations


>slightly retarded
It's completely retarded.

Are there any extremely fringe people still in existence?

I'm in the bay area and would like to hangout with one.

You and I both know that it's impossible to tell if there is or isn't an afterlife.

why do you think we invented traps

>GPL3 harmful
>Suggest GPL'd software
std::thinking(&mut self).unwrap()

Goodbye, sweet FOSS Prince

underrated comment

this nigga looks like he sips on soy drinks

Uriel was considered harmful

did they just assume xer gender?
i just see three people.

Me too

I agree with like half of what he says and disagree with the other. What does that mean

>Harmful things: head
nigga dont

Does he ever go into more detail as to why he considers them harmful?



> recommends Go over Java / C++
> opinion disregarded

Harmful just means overcomplicated garbage we have to live with because someone 20+ years ago had an overpower urge to "get shit done". If you ever dive into the nuts and bolts of most of that stuff, it becomes obvious really fast.

But it actually doesn't. Explain why pdf is harmful.

> Note: At the moment a detailed rationale is not provided for most of this, so figuring out why some things are considered more or less harmful than others is left as an exercise for the reader. Here is a hint: complexity is the bane of all software, simplicity is the most important quality. See also: Worse is Better by Richard Gabriel.

>tfw putting interactive elements and JS into pdf

it's from a guys that write in vacuum C as slow as scripting languages
maybe Go looked like a good idea at that point

> lifetimes of productivity lost on countless security vulnerabilities
> very likely real body count from government workers failing to understand what layers are
PDF is by far the worst offender on that list. It's literally PostScript plus a ton of shit that you don't need and will very likely hurt you. The more people think a PDF reader is "awesome", the less of the standard it supports.

what the fuck???