How is Ramadan celebrated in your country?

How is Ramadan celebrated in your country?

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With wine and festivities

I sent a packet of bacon to the local saracen club to help them celebrate worshiping satan.

Makes me mad that fellow desertmonkeys blemish 1st-world nations with this nonsense

They possess literally zero self-awareness

>inb4 you demented pathetic self-hating fuck
>man up and get on with your life, etc

hello uncle tom
how's the master's house? he giving you enough table crumbs?

>can't be a conservative self-assured athiestic black man
>because I don't submit to the liberal agenda destroying my race

fuck off...this guy is the first guy in a muslim country with common sense

We better not sour the mood with further replies, I do have my problems


Dunno they must do it in secret.

It's not a holiday

based sudanbro

how do we make sudan great again?


Mostly by getting our police ready to respond to a Ramadan Riot.

Abolition of the theocracy + part-time colonial administration

It's misfortunate and makes me look obsequious but it's true

such a tolerant culture :))))))
why don't you post on /mena/ btw?
yeah he has common sense for agreeing with you
hating on the immigrants instead of you cucks who imported them and gave them citizenship


We eat and drink as much as we can in front of muslims, preferably pork and booze.

Seriously though, I always make sure to go to some muslim-owned little store and buy lots of beer to see the barely disguised look of disgust of the sandnigger's face. Often I will open one with still in the shop (after paying) and have a sip, as a proud kafir.

Do I have racist bigotry ingrained in me if looking at these images makes me feel uncomfortable/disgusted?

I can practically smell that sweaty Arab hijab stench from here...

...yet (the last day of the ramadan, whatsitcalled Eid al durka something)


Catholic couples have sex.

Not kidding

>absolutely haram


kill them all Tomer, kill them all.

wtf there are aven completely covered women there, in my country that is illegal

I think it's ok if you're white, these pictures make me want to exterminate them. It's disgusting how savage and ignorant they are.


It is spelled Quran.



was lewis carroll red pilled



>tradition often adjusts to geography
Is that what they call cheating?

They don't even allow gay marriage because it isn't christian. I don't think they will allow a non christian holiday.


>That white guy convert.

>good job Funlan!
>Suojelupoliisi up in this

Oh acting white all of a sudden are we?


>>That white guy convert.

probably a Chechen

They have a right to do it though

Now all they need is the right to enforce shariah throughout Europe. Do not oppose it or be outed for the racist islamophobe you are.

It's like the end of the Roman Empire.

"Tolerance and apathy are the last stages of a civilisation" - Aristoteles

The whole Western Europe will go into severe decline, and the strongest culture present will take over and dominate the rest. It's pretty obvious who this will be. So you know what to answer when your grand-children ask the obvious questions.

It's not.

>though muslims have served in the country's military since the 1870s


We set tables for people and mostly the poor to eat on.

>for people and mostly the poor
Like there is a substantial Egyptian middle or even upper class.

All of you are poor. Caïro even smells like a fucking open sewer.

I don't know, I don't care. Muslim traditions are a termporary foreign nuisance until they are no more.

It's the fastest growing religion in Finland


Fastest growing means fastest reproducing/fastest immigrating for the most part

We don't have Chechens

We get Christmas breaks here tho

Poverty in itself is not a shame. Only a dumb and superficial barbarian (like most Dutch) would think the opposite.

The fact that pre-islamic Egypt used to be a haven of enlightenment, the library of Alexandria (burned by Omar I because "there should exist only one book in the world and that is the quran") was there for a reason. Also by the 13th century, half a millenium after islamic conquest, half of the Egyptian population was still christian.


It's not.

yeah right

>was there for a reason

>half of the Egyptian population was still christian

Now they are full durka durka in something smelling like an open sewer.

You're talking as if any Dutch street smells the opposite. Pigs are no different from rats in terms of hygine.

It's not celebrated
>God damn, I love being Mexican

>as if any Dutch street smells the opposite
They absolutely do.
>Pigs are no different from rats in terms of hygine.
What do pigs have to do with any of this? Any way, pigs are suprisingly big on hygiene. They do not shit where they eat, unlike rats, they will bathe if water is present unlike rats.

We're not as related to the Dutch as they claim to be you know, far from it even. I'm sorry you had to see this.

when the sun stands highest we eat porkchops and drink insane amounts of alcohol

Tu ne dois pas commencer avec ça.

Wallonië detected.

what's up sand nigger?


Pro tip :D The sun is up during the ramadan in Finland for the whopping 20 hours a day :DD But good thing the muslims know how to cheat so they either use turkish or saudi-arabian time :DDD

>the muslims know how to cheat
What else is new?

Ramadan changes relative to the western calendar every year. So it can be during midsummer with midnight sun up north, during midwinter with no sunrise at all, or anywhere between.

>Dietsland DF immediately jumps on this

go fuck yourselves Dutch and wanna-be-Dutch nestshitters


And yet I bet when it's only 4 hours during the winter they use local time.


>bouncy castle

i'm not sure the sharia laws would allow that...

Did you honestly expect anything different?

They do the same shit here. And we do not even have nights that short.


What is it?