Certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

>certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

>certain prime numbers are illegal

>raising your arm up and down while happening to be near your gonads around children is illegal

its just biology and hand movements you fucking nannystate

frumb dogposter

>certain combinations of atoms are illegal
shooting someone in the face with a gun is just an arbitrary configuration of reality, right?

specifically which ones. we'd like to know.

Raising your right arm horizontally with your palm and fingers pointing forward is illegal and is considered "hate-crime" only in first world countries.

I mean bros, chill the fuck out

Certain combinations of letters are illegal

>Certain combinations of atoms are illegal

deconstructionism doesn't apply to human experience

>crime numbers

>generate all images in 1024x800 resolution
>you will see
>>your future
>>your past
>>everything that ever happened
>>everything that will happen

uncomfortably bogslike

as long as humans weren't harmed in order to combine those 1s and 0s, and as long those combinations don't encourage humans to harm other humans, then it should be fine.

generating every combination might take a while... and even if you could do it in a reasonable amount of time, you still have to go through and figure out which ones are "interesting", let alone the countless number of "false futures"... and the massive amounts of child porn that would generate might also be an issue.

my math's a bit rusty but if my calculations are correct that would be 819200p24 (assuming 24 bit color), so roughly 10^10^6.65 possible images

that is many.

>The propagation of certain pressure oscillations through a medium is illegal
JUST vibe my shit up

>It is illegal to view, possess, or transmit certain configurations of pixels on a screen
>Some men are sent to prison for decades for contravening the above
>Most women who actually physically molest children are sentenced to significantly less time, in a significantly safer environment
>It is perfectly legal to watch the beheading of a 10 year old boy
>It is perfectly legal to fap while watching the beheading of a 10 year old boy
>Possessing video of a 14 year old engaging voluntarily in sex is illegal

>Tens of thousands of men have been arrested and imprisoned in accordance with laws which have their origin with the muckraking journalism of a man who fabricated stories about elite paedophile rings and claimed to himself have bought an underaged girl, transported her to another country, drugged her, and then burst in on her in a threatening manner, waking and terrifying her in the process, in a whorehouse. This man was imprisoned for his crime and later died in the sinking of the Titanic, after first heavily promoting spiritism.

Stop trying to justify your huge collection of pizza

i.e. more images than there are atoms in the universe.

Now here's a challenge:
Are certain combinations of neuron synapses illegal?

>It is perfectly legal to fap while watching the beheading of a 10 year old boy
kek, it's funny how there are so many "normal" people you know that fap to that on liveleak or bestgore. PERFECTLY LEGAL, THANKS BASED ISIS

is having a lucid CP dream illegal?

When it comes to the law regarding CP, etc - intent and arousal are sometimes factors in what you can be charged with. So in some ways yes.

>certain combinations of protons, neutrons and electrons are illegal

>thinking about CP is illegal

>certain combinations of 1s and 0s are less than OP's IQ
>there's not many of them

>certain vocal cord movements are illegal

>certain bullet trajectories are illegal

Fucking thank you, I hate reductionists.

>enjoying certain polygons is illegal

>certain combinations of ages during sexual intercourse are illegal

am i going to jail

Not a problem, you'll never find it.

certain excitations of the underlying submollecular froth of the universe transgresses cultural norms enforced among the higher-order mammalians hailing from an obscure corner of one of the larger galaxies near andromeda

Not in USA

>Thanks doc

Are you the owner of a pizza parlor by any chance?

Do it in grayscale