Is it true that americans wear shoes at home? or it's just a meme from sitcoms?

Is it true that americans wear shoes at home? or it's just a meme from sitcoms?

i hope they dont

Sometimes I forget something from my room and I go back inside and cross all the way there without taking my shoes off

Sometimes I'll want to get dressed early and walk around the house in my shoes and even lie on my bed with my shoes hanging off the edge waiting for it to be time to leave

I only do it when im coming home for

Sitcom thing. When was the last time you saw somebody in one of those shows actually get undressed and relax how a normal person would in their own home. Right now I'm down to shirt only with left leg curled over arm chair then around the chair's leg. Can't show that on Christian television.

They do, it's really gross.


>even lie on my bed with my shoes hanging off the edge


Isn't the sleeping belt one of your nation's traditional garments though?

Wtf is that?

Never mind. It's a particularly dated joke from here that Canadians all wore belts to sleep. It's really old, I guess.

go to bed, grandpa

F-fuck you, I was trying to be funny. I didn't the realize the world had moved on and my epic for the win memes had grown stale already in '09

What kind of shitty materials are your floors made of that can't handle walking on it with shoes on?

I do

In the south they don't wear them outside the house either.

And that's why they all got hookworm.

Not true, but a lot of us do wear socks during sex for some reason

Spaniards do this too. I get weird looks for taking my shoes off and being comfortable

At my house I don't wear shoes, but I don't take off my shoes at another person's house unless they ask me to

Depends on the family. Myself and mist of my relatives don't but my one uncle and his kids do.

That's just those of us that are male and because we can't figure out a smooth way to take them off. I usually do it when I drop my pants though.

I live in Missouri and often go to the supermarket/gas station/movies without shoes

Missouri is not the South
Stop trying to join our club

>Is it true that americans wear shoes at home? or it's just a meme from sitcoms?
We do it too.

Mot of the houses have ceramic tile in the floor (here in brazil), it's cold for walking bare foot and is easy to clean.

We were careful with our new carpet but after a while we've stopped caring