Why is Madrid not Europe's best city? I like it so much more than London or Paris. I am English by the way

Why is Madrid not Europe's best city? I like it so much more than London or Paris. I am English by the way.

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its full of canis and sudacas

Full of Moroccan and Sudacas

--Sudamerican troll detected----

what is a sudacas

Nope. I am English. What's wrong with Madrid really, I love this place. I just took a walk through retiro and salamanca and then down gran via and this is a beautiful city. Too bad it started raining.
And look at what London and Paris are full of

>Why is Madrid not Europe's best city?
because it's full of spaniards

a derogatory way of referring to someone from south america

Pretty but not very interesting, Madrid isn't relevant in music or academia or whatever

are you student? wow lad , i go to Serrano every day , Gran Via is top tier




Cañada Real is worse than detroit, but Madrid is amazing also if you dont like that , you can move to another country,


great isnt it?

Sudaca living in my country, Cañada Real is shit but all countries have that....come back to colombia scum.

tell me , where are you from , nigger?

probably he is from congolombia,niggertina etc.

Cañada real is like that because of gypsies and sudacas

agreed with you

and midgets

go back to your jungle, monkey....



Hijo puta colombiANO

Lads, no se qué cenar
Tengo comida en casa pero hoy las pizzas están más baratas en telepiizza

and? why do you stay in my country mate?



Carmena hara justicia. Les quitara la tonteria a la gente como ese que ha dicho que va a Serrano a diario, se supone que por trabajo, y dara todo a los desfavorecidos. Por ahora ya ha plantado cara al chino millonario.

Claro que si
y hara que el anime se real


I am greek


kαι εγώ

si el anime es real me pido a Misa Misa

that loks comfy, you dont know what hell looks like

que tal en Cuba?
hay trabajo ahi?

its full of gypsies... you dont know what gypsies are like

tercer mundo lo que no se es como tiene internet

Sera amigo de Fidel
o willy toledo

>you dont know what gypsies are like
He's central American he knows what brown tattoed criminals are like

meh.. el que tiene dinero disfruta, el que no se jode, como en todas partes

de sobra, lo que no hay es un salario que sirva

actualízate, ya hay internet en Cuba

I always felt like Toledo should have been the capital of Spain instead of Madrid.
Madrid suddenly becoming the capital in the mid XVI century was very random, it wasnt an important city with great history.
It doesnt feel like a natural capital.

>tercer mundo
Peor que Africa.


I'm not a CHI


yes, I know you're a retard for comparing us with Africa

>I'm not a CHI
sure thing, Pedro.

chicano cometaco y ardido

hay casinos en cuba?
puede la gente comprar terrenos y plantar la caña de azucar y ganar dinero igual voy a ahi con una herencia que tengo

>hay casinos en cuba?

>puede la gente comprar terrenos y plantar la caña de azucar
¿pero qué tu comiste hoy, manolo?

>y ganar dinero igual voy a ahi con una herencia que tengo
si lo inviertes bien sí, ¿cómo de cuánto estamos hablando?

i thought gipsies were qt people, like a story of rebel outcasts

plus they dont kill only rob

las gitanas ricotas están rusia, las españolas son horribles

questions for spaniards

why is public transport not free? if podemos gets more votes can we have free transport

why is there so many homeless? i thought europe had good social policies

Cuba es una tierra de negroes semeos, una extension de Africa

>why is not free

because we spent our taxes money to pay wellfare to the fuckin inmigrants like you.

>why is public transport not free? if podemos gets more votes can we have free transport
Podemos will turn whats felt of spain into venezuela
>why is there so many homeless? i thought europe had good social policies
Spain is not europe, no ilustration no civil rights movement in at its time
We have more in common with Turkey

France is not Europe, we have more in common with Arabia.

pablemos va a acabar de joder a españa

im not an immigrant im only here one year
it seems if theres free healthcare than why not free transport?
well not really podemos would take you more like scandinavia think sweden (not norway not enough oil here)

>more than London or Paris
These are not even top euro cities, Migel.

1. Viena
2. Krakow
3. Saint Peterbourg
4. Florence
5. Prague
6. Rome
7. Budapest
8. Drezden
9. Athens
10. That city from Slovenia

yo soy blanco pálido, chicano mamón

>well not really podemos would take you more like scandinavia think sweden
You must hit nice blunts to say that either that or you are a troll or you are not from spain

Si eras blanco y no de el partido no estabas en Cuba.


why the podemos hate?
i am obviously not spanish i'm from new jersey

Ten cuidado que seguro que los cubanos aun guardan algunos misiles como cuando los de Nikita Khrushchev en 1969


and Obama is black, so what?

Do you know pablo Iglesias his leader?
He said
"Im a psycopath turned communist"
"I would spank that woman until she bleeds" (talking about a journalist)
They are a buch of savages with no education
one of their guys made jokes in twitter about the holocaust

If you think that they are """"Scandinavian socialist""" they fool you they are hard core comunist who dont believe in private property nor individual freedoms nor rights everything for the state, their state

eso, y es un pelúo de mierda

tenga cuidado que si fidel se entera que insulta a su sicario en españa le encontrara

Cuban American
Total population
Fidel es un maricon que le singo su puta madre.

¿se te ardió el culito?

Los misiles de kruchev ya estan apuntando miami le aviso

Los maricones de partido communista no tienen cojones.

too hot desu

A mi no me gustan los yankis pero menos me gustan los communistas.

Cómo es Bilbao?
Hay chicas con narices puntiagudas allí?

Bilbao is mordor
Women there are ugly and very unfriendly

¿dónde están las mujeres guapas y amables?

Why not get a high test basq wife?

en españa no amigo


>The first documented reference of the city originates in Andalusan times as the Arabic Majrīṭ, which was retained in Medieval Spanish as Magerit
Wtf even the Spanish capital is Arabic?

Africa really does begin at the Pyrenees.

us cities and towns are in spanish, instanbul is a greek word, conquered land is kept the name usually.


Most towns names in Spain are from Latin,
Madrid is a relatively new city considering others in the peninsula

There is no direct evidence for the origin of the modern name of Valladolid. One widely held etymological theory suggests that the modern name Valladolid derives from the Celtiberian language expression Vallis Tolitum, meaning "valley of waters", referring to the confluence of rivers in the area.


tu te callas que tu eres como nosotros, alli matamos a todos los indigenas, pero te vendiste como Puerto Rico mamon

Michael Gonzalez " The chicanen"

England's cities are the opposite: relevant in academia and music but ugly as fuck

Madrid is quite comfy, desu. One of my favourite European cities to live in; livwly but not overcrowded. It does have less cultural heritage than, say, Rome (which is top tier), but it's cleaner and easier to navigate.

Matajudios and Matamoros are the best cities here. chicano, i know matamoros in mexico is a horrible place


why chicano? why?

I am racially different to Chicanos, stop being retarded.

>The town was originally named Castrillo Motajudíos ("Hill of Jews Camp") in 1035 when Jews fleeing from a nearby pogrom settled there; it was changed to Castrillo Matajudíos ("Jew-killer Camp") in 1627[3] during a period of religious persecution of non-Christians in Spain (the Jews had been expelled from Spain in 1492).[3] In June 2015 the name was changed back to Castrillo Mota de Judíos[3] following a campaign led by mayor Lorenzo Rodríguez leading to a vote among the villagers in May 2014.[3][4]
Why forsake your history in the name of PC?