Switch from mkdirp to correctMkdir to preserve perms and owners

>Switch from mkdirp to correctMkdir to preserve perms and owners
> sudo npm chowns /boot, /etc, and several others
10 outta fucking 10

Other urls found in this thread:


aaaaand keeps fucking happening

it's funny it is tagged as prerelease there, because people(if others don't care enough to read the thread) who ran npm update -g got updated to the prerelease version.

Love how they named it as a release version, then immediately shifted blame on the users by calling it a "pre-release"




just don't do that in production code?

This fuckin guy

> Release 'stable' Update
> Perform regular update as recommended by docs
> Chowns your "/"

Yet another reason not to use javascript.

>People that run stuff like npm and Docker as root on their hosts deserve to get their systems and all data fucked up.

What is npm?

>a JavaScript package manager

JS shit

Nigger Penis Mangler

>running anything as root

Some things require root permissions user.

Not my fault npm is retarded

I mean npm is retarded, but you're going to need root if you want to update things globally.

Use it in a chroot

its good to be an actual software engineer and not a "web dev" who has to use shitty tools like this. have fun debugging css autists.

Maybe I'm retarded, but wouldn't that still brick your system anyway?

This is what happens when too much estrogen gets in your pull requests

Who's betting they only tested it on Mac OS

ur retarded

>it's a prerelease
What a fucking retarded versioning. And they have the nerve to get mad at users pointing out their retardation.

Not to mention the update command updates to the pre-releases

are we supposed to check their github before we update NPM just in case they have pushed a pre-release

>trusting software developed by pink-haired SJW faggots

This is what you get for letting two mentally unstabled trannies build and maintain an integral piece of software in the shit world called JS.

Meanwhile half our desktops are running Electron. Even with a 7th gen CPU and 16 GB of RAM my PC still has issues keeping up between Slack, Spotify, Discord, Streamlabs, Whatsapp, Telegram and Skype.

Ironically enough the only one that has its shit together is Microsoft with VSCode.


I've got the solution to all of your problems:

> b-but user, muh f-facebook

In all seriousness tho. Even though I don't agree with FB, nor their consumer products, nor their marketing, their devs actually seem capable and non-retarded at a first glance. Shit's stable, shit's documented.


Women in IT, worth the death penalty.

Calling this piece of monstrosity a "woman"

Real woman who dedicated their life into IT (not because 'here\'s some training' because of muh diversity quotas)
don't deserve enough praise imo.

Just because you're too autistic too ever talk to one doesn't mean they couldn't/shouldn't be here. kys


When I was younger I used to have a huge "Fuck Micro$oft!!!" attitude, but now I really understand why businesses use them. Their software is reliable, consistent, and performant to a reasonable degree. Better than pretty much any alternative.

I'll never understand why people use these so called "desktop apps", why not just run another tab in your browser? less resources, same fucking shit.

this desu

We NEED more women in tech, guys.

>not using PHP

PHP7 + S.O.L.I.D. is comfy. php not so bad these days

>ParseInt("aghe", 16) --> 12
>Hex a == Dec 12
wow, fucking nothing

Ok, i'm retarded, its 'c' but my point stands

I would expect parseInt() functions to fail if it cannot parse full string, not parse part of string and return that shit.
Other than that yeah, c evaluates to 12 if parsing as hex.

I don't know what npm is or does, sorry

better actual women than "neurodiverse" trannies, user

The JS community reminds me of this one special needs class in high school where they tried to prepare them for some semblance of a normal life.

When you look at all the SJWism, the mentally ill trannies with colored hair, the soiboism, I urge you not to feel contempt but instead open your heart to the idea that these substandard specimens are trying to act like normal humans.

Granted their software is actually complete shit because their lower intellect and lack of professional social skills destroys the processes which allow useful software to be made.


>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>controls france with an iron fist
>owns castles and banks all over the world
>rothschilds bow to Node.js
>direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Nodejsgrad will be be the first city)
>owns basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Nodejs Babies
>Node.js board said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Node.jsbots inside you right now
>Node.js is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Node.js. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Node.js
>Node.js is 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human. In reality, it is timeless, existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>Node.js will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

Post your face and hair I can't wait to contrast them with your SJW straw-women. Bracing myself for full on creatura so black I cant see anything but your glowing eyes.,

from what I read in it looks like using sudo caused the issue

>largest software repository in the world

why do you need to provide fictional infographics as examples? If your abloo ablooing was true surely youd have more than 1 or 2 questionably accurate examples?

Mac OS is super busted since like Mavericks but nobody really talks about it because of how loud and dumb OS-wars people get. Like you can't discuss permissions because eveyrone is ignorant on the subject and just shouting faggot faggot or youre poor youre gay.


>SJWs claim there is gender discrimination in tech
>white males proceed to make fun of women in order to disprove what SJWs say
Something is not going to work out here, guys.

>ctrl u
>it's literal fuck ton of JavaScript, CSS and HTML plus Google Botnet Analytics for something that could have been a simple page
fucking webdev cucks disgust me

>Taking SJW seriously
they are just a corrupt fucks that want power, that discrimination is just bullshit to get on power

They have power in US companies.


What happened to octocat?


Will he be fired?
I hope so

Most of those make sense though. 2 + "3" should coerce to string so 23 makes sense. 2 + +"3" just requires knowledge of how the + operator works. The others are logical too even though literally nobody does this.



>Firing a tranny
Better prepare for your lawsuit, CIS scum.

If anything, they'll be giving him a promotion for all the hardships he had to endure because of this.

>not using that cancer on seperate machine

This guy knowd

soy is overtaking the world, and they will burn it to the ground...
sad times

> using npm
why? if you use more than one js framework u are retarded

>node package manager

>backend with js
ok u are retarded.

1 for effort

not who tries to pretend to know JS.
The proper way to compare dates in JS is actually
d1.getTime() === d2.getTime()

Fuck that shit. I've taken the ES6 pill and I can't go back. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are all terrible and I hate them. I work on an internal tools team at Microsoft and the ES6 module system and SPA frameworks are the only things that make enterprise frontend development even remotely tolerable. Syntax improvements like const and let and () => function declaration, syntax checking that's run real-time in the editor, and scripts that re-run tests when files are changed are almost enough to make me feel like I'm programming in a real language in a real IDE.

Almost all of my functions are pure functions, so testing is incredibly easy. Since everything is rendered client-side, I can run the backend as a simple REST API (which is absurdly easy in C#/.NET Core) and never have to worry about Views (which are inexplicably tedious in ASP.NET, though I've never had to use them in Core). Routes on the client trigger requests to sync state from the server, page renders from local state, every step is testable and the client and server can be deployed, rolled back, and scaled completely independently.

tl;dr: module imports > script tags

>Slack, Spotify, Discord, Streamlabs, Whatsapp, Telegram and Skype.
>using any of these programs
Kill yourself.

>FYI: [email protected] got released a few hours ago and resolves this issue. 5.7.0 will promptly fade into oblivion :) Cheers.
Yeah sure it will

Actually on second thought it probably will, and in two weeks everyone will be using npm as happily as ever


>developer is incompetent and releases a completely broken version of the software
>refuses any criticism and wont apologise
>blue haired SJW
what a suprise


fucking freetards

THIS guy gets it

way more relevant than some dumb faggot talking about type coercion which is stupid to do anyway

es6 really improved JS and shit like react and redux using differentials to refresh only the components slated to change

makes JS faster than ever

>using garbage normalfag crap
Back to plebbit


Facebook itself runs like ass.

Taneesha can stay if she has my white babies.