I really really really want a tiny computer with a controller to play games on bed like pic related, but it's so damn expensive, what alternatives I have?
I really really really want a tiny computer with a controller to play games on bed like pic related...
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Gameboy SP
What games? Get the original GPD Win then, you're not going to play Fallout 4 or Witcher 3 on a handheld in the first place.
Also, nice shit costs money. Get over it.
That was supposed to be "niche" but well, works both ways.
What games?
Just get the gpd xd and be happy, is can even play dreamcast.
Or a psvita/3ds and even a rs-97.
>android for emulation
The only way to get it for cheap is to make your own, op.
So... What you really want?
What we really need is a RYZEN 2200g win handheld
Nvidia shield + game streaming
65W TDP on a handheld? Nice
>muh bedtime gaming
>what alternatives I have?
How about you grow up and stop acting like a child?
Down clocked, it would kick an i3 ass at emulation
said the child posting in g on Sup Forums
The bottom configurable is still 43W SDP, you're not fitting it in any handheld.
can you do this on the original?
fucking poorfags man
that would be fucking great if it were possible
I've been curious about this thing. Any noticable lag between what you see and your inputs? A little isn't bad for what I'd use it for, but I'd like to avoid anything above like 100 ms. Anyone have experience with this?
Devices like that are shit.
>Devices like that are shit
More competition and device diversity is always a good thing.
isn't Tegra Kepler a power hog?
how is the gpd win 2 in particular shit
Because to him it's not gamer meme tier hardware
you removed a period? get it together dude.
I just have my computer desk at the foot of my bed. If i want to use it while in bed, i turn the monitor around and swap the position of the speakers.
You probably already have one. Just get a controller for it.