I'm going to kill myself tonight. Thanks for all the good times Sup Forums...

I'm going to kill myself tonight. Thanks for all the good times Sup Forums. Are there any albums you'd suggest I listen to before I end it all?

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Peter Sotos - Buyer's Market

Don't do it user.

Listen to that album by the enablers with the sideways skull on the cover

see you on the other side buddy :) youtube.com/watch?v=4IKddfxkDWk

can I ask why?


The Downward Spiral

There's no hope for me. I'll never make anything of myself. I'm an embarrassment to myself and everyone in my life.


what are you, asian?

don't be like that

Bull of Heaven - 210

Don't do it

pls don't

be sure to stream it on periscope

user no

"It gets better" isn't just a meme. Please don't do it.


Now the perfect time for u to chase anything you want, you have nothing to lose. Go out there and do anything you want, don't just opt out before you even try. That's pussy shit.

please, don't do it

Die a meme, hang yourself at the end of Lost in the World in such a way to where the last thing you hear is the clapping at the end of Who Will Survive in America.
Also look up the highest rated albums from Brazil on Rate Your Music, I'd say you'll thank me later, but you'll be dead.
For the people saying "it gets better" this isn't always true, a lot of people I know are in situations where their life will only get worse. I hang out with a lot of homeless people, I hear their stories, I must admit the fact some of them haven't done it yet is really inspiring as well as the lives they lived.

Don't kill yourself like everyone on this board stop jumping on the bandwagon

Or at least do something cool like lightning yourself on fire and jumping off a building at the same time idk


why is Nadja in electrocution? I feel like it would fit better in asphixiation or something

as a guy who tried to suicide but didnt, you gotta grow some balls and deal with your issues rather than taking the easy way out. also your family and friends will feel like shit if you do so rather than thinking yourself, think the people in your life. of course weekly routines might suck and whatever you have going on might be a bitch but its always better to be even in pain than dead, dont give up i didnt either if i can survive so can you

Personally I'm hoping I can die while listening to I'm God by Clams Casino.

Seems like a good song to hear before I slip into the cold infinity.


Periscope is a live streaming app for your phone. Someone recently killed themselves on Periscope and now the company is in some hot water.

things can chage if you fight for that change, dont end it user.

>Marijuana Overdose

If I accomplish everything I hope to in this life, I'll do my damndest to be the first person to ever OD on pot. Seems like a solid way to go out.

>Suicide by Police
>not including Cop by Swans

ya fucked up

This one will make you feel better, nerd