Could I pass as a local in your country?

Could I pass as a local in your country?

Quit posting on a website browsed by failed youngsters grandpa

You look like belgian

Hi dad

>Not fat

Nice fake, bro. And what is the bottle of beer ?

but I'm only 30

Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro. It is a personal favorite of mine.

>he ordered 12 boxes of pizza

gut is hidden under the table

What's with the pasta? Is it just lasagna plates sliced up real thick, or is it pappardelle or something?


what's a country

You look like you're really enjoying whatever back breaking labour it is you're doing.

Nice. What kind of sauce?

mascarpone with smoked pork

too ginger

I'm not ginger at all

I can't say you can

A retarded one probably but yeah sure, shave those gay moustache

But I like my gay moustache

Your gay moustache looks fine, Italy's just jealous because their moustaches are gayer than yours.

first white person in
"would i pass as a local" threads

Yes, you look like that news reporter geraldo rivera





Probably in southern Germany, yeah.


With that mustache, you look like a typical turk so yes

Yes, I would call you Vasily.

I'm part punjabi



You look Anglo. But yes, you would


Surprisingly you would

Same colour eye as me same nose as me same hairstyle as me. You could be me.


I'm your long lost American brother

Quadri 2018

You look like a pedophile