I wanna create websites

anons I'm the biggest brainlet of all time.
i am a painter and i wanna create a homepage to present my artwork in an aesthetic way.
but i also want to learn webdesign to make some bucks by creating websites for friends.
what do i need to learn? which language to pick up?

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If you just want to display images and make something basic just learn how to use html+css. It's surprisingly easy OP I'm a turbobrainlet but picked it up quite quickly.

i dont need php for this?
sounds good.
I'm currently running wordpress on my website but wordpress is so hardcore normie-tier, I cant take it any longer

Go on google and type in "bootstrap templates," change a few things, and bam. You have a decent looking webpage that scales across browsers

learn basic scripting languages python is good but if you wanna take your WordPress ones to next level definitely php it's easy to pick up and can really make it much more customizable



It's literally some of the most basic HTML there is.

Use imagemagick to create thumbnails in batches.

If you just want something for yourself, don't waste your time trying to program it. I think squarespace is $10 a month, you should just use that.

m m m nonono
i want to learn to code it myself because i dont like these bloated design tools

Read it top to bottom: w3.org/TR/html4/

All you need is the and tags then.

>I'm currently running wordpress on my website but wordpress is so hardcore normie-tier, I cant take it any longer
Not a PHP or wordpress fan but what does that even mean?

>not html5

Go to sleep, gramps.

why does the document still works even with typos?

For example:

Pagae Title


cuz browsers like to automatically fix those mistakes to make things presentable. not to say you should make typos cuz unpredictable stuff can happen.

OP, check out learn.shayhowe.com , or check out Jon Ducketts HTML & CSS book (you can probably find a PDF by googling around)

Use Bootstrap and Laravel and you are done. Though if you are serious it wouldn't hurt to learn PHP before learning the framework.

ignore this guy

you don't need any PHP or Python or Ruby or any serverside scripting for that matter. And then adding a framework like Laravel is retarded overkill. you don't even really need JavaScript.

based on what you said, and considering you are a beginner, just focus on HTML and CSS like I mentioned
Ignore everyone telling you to learn a scripting or a programming language. Both recommendations I gave go a little bit into JavaScript towards the end and that should be the very most you need for a simple art site


neocities.org is a great place to play around in if you're beginning, btw.

html, css, js, maybe php and some sql if there is user interactivity.
sololearn is a great wee app

but he's right though.

Here, instead of listening to a bunch of neckbeards who don't actually know anything prattle on about their "vast html knowledge" let me just point you toward this.


Real man can do the job full Javascript.

You don't need to learn programming to make a website, you can make a website that displays your pictures with just HTML.

go for word press or bootstrap

>learning koding
>not creating screen designs and leting it kode by some pajeet


It's made for people who don't want to learn how to make a website for themselves.
I'm sure you'll be happy with it.

Also there's probably hundreds of these services. This is just the one that has been advertised to me.

just read these books desu

just use squarespace or something
we don't need more crappy web devs

I was trying to give OP something easy that he could learn in a day or two. HTML5 is more complex, with no benefit for him.

HTML and css. You could this in a single day.

Also most people use Instagram so good luck