Why isn't your country's cuisine as innovative as America's?

Why isn't your country's cuisine as innovative as America's?

Are they still serving those?

They're delicious af

Those look disgusting

Man, that seems really good.

I want /ck/ to fuck off

>American food is delicious

Looks can be deceiving

I haven't tried them, I hope they are...
Actually I've never had Burger King before

because we are conservative

I don't believe you, everyone's had a whopper

What's your excuse

Man you are portuguese and you don't even know spanish croquetas with cheese which is the same as op's pic.

I don't even know a lot about portuguese food let alone spanish.

There's no burger king in a convenient location, like on the way home or anything...maybe I'll try this week


Its better than Wcdonalds

Definitely, you must not travel much... They're all over the world desu

>comparing croquetas to cheetos filled with mac and cheese

C'mon man.

Lack of imagination, from us.

I would eat them.

I like mac and cheese but not so much for cheetos.

wow, that honestly disgusts me.

They're in my city, but I would have to go out of my way to get to burger king