Isn't Linus operating system like 20 years old. When did he start learning to code?

Isn't Linus operating system like 20 years old. When did he start learning to code?

Around 9 like most people.

I hope you get leukaemia


He always seems very friendly in videos but very defensive and an asshole in articles. Why is this?

He's a "nice guy" manchild

if Jared Leto is 46, Linus' age doesn't matter

is he making his eyes stare in different places on purpose

Wow dude that's pretty funny, let me upvote and gold that

What's wrong with being nice? Should we be bad?

He said he's an asshole to people "who should know better", idk.

Nice is in quotes if you didn't notice. That means he's not really nice, he only pretends to that.


behold the only true tech youtuber

but he never invented an operating system that powers 75% of all smartphones like Linus

consequences of having vasectomy

hence the air quotes, learn to reading comprehension

he did when he was a kid, for the lulz. That's the reason he married an asian girl, a white girl is too dumb for him.

>letting your woman convince you to mutilate yourself


>air quotes
Those are actual quotes you mong