I've Always Wondered... What's The Deal... With Boomers... Typing Like This... ?
I've Always Wondered... What's The Deal... With Boomers... Typing Like This... ?
Is this... really... a thing..?
what's the deal with millenials typing like this
Thinking... While.... Typing...
Honest... it really is... look up some forums for hobbies that boomers are into... full of people who type like this.
Boomers always do .... and its pisses me the fuck off
Ellipses adds a pause to make you contemplate what was just said...
What's with all the redditors
typing like
Look at any craigslist "i know what I got. no test drives" boomer ad.
They are simulating normal breaks in conversational speaking.
because ... accentuates a pause better than a fucking ,
Is it that hard to understand while you read my reddit spacing, @64868415 you cuck ..... you beat me to it.
It's typing an ellipsis, to indicate a statement trailing off, instead of finishing properly.
It's just copying a stylistic tick from authors that were popular throughout their lifetimes.
Good eye though. Stylistic queues like that can tell you a lot about the writer.
who is this girl?
Let's say they don't think too "fast"
Maybe I'll tell you OP, if you can help me with something...
Go on...
Pretty sure thats Jennifer Lawrence
They don't think very fast (them coming from the ignorance era) so to compensate they have to add a lull in text to remind themselves to process the one/two words they just typed.
...well, let's say it involves ferrets...
Reddit defaults to some variant of markdown for syntax. With their markdown, if you don't leave two hard returns between the sentences, they'll be remedied all on one line.
Also, some people had style guides hammered intro their skulls.
>be me
>be millenial
>readin shitposts on 4chin all day
>Realise everyone types like dey be niggers
What's with the youth of today.
Like... What?
I guess it depends on the person, but one reasoning I've seen is that they like how it looks and they don't think of it as a pause like we do.
I read a lot of books and wasn't allowed online till I was 15. I use ellipsis. Boomers use ellipses because they've read a shitload of books. It's just better literacy to be quite honest familam.
I blame the internet, surely every generation hates the next, but with the internet kids have easy access to the (((full degeneracy))) of mankind at their fingertips from an early age.
This is the real problem
I'd aruge epic meme arrows is English evolving to be more efficient by telling stories with less words.
As if the internet didnt turn you into the degenerate you are now?
Probably because they're using the correct usage of the written English language. I don't see anything wrong with it.
get's it. I'm the same. Read a fuck ton of books as a kid and use ... all the time.
And you're absolutely right. Greentexting is a pretty good way to ruin your ability at regular storytelling though.
The word you meant to use was devolving user. Ebonics is the devolving of the English language.
they so old they get tired after typing few words
In French they do it too.. then they put emphasis on that smart remark !!! have you noticed ?? amazing !!
It's partially a thinking pattern thing, not growing up with tons of text writing as a communication, and ellipses being different for our generation.
Also, go fuck yourself.
>l-look mom, I'm trolling
its about how fast they can think after decades of tupperwear exposure and corn products
That's more a soccer mom Facebook thing though
I'm pretty sure French people put a space between exclamation points and question marks because schools find the spacing more visually appealing or something along those lines, so it gets pushed on students throughout their education.
Absolutely not. Have you not encountered a French person online before? Almost all of them do it.
there are only soccer dads in France desu
>because schools find the spacing more visually appealing or something along those lines
it's just the French typographic code
it's regulated
Why do black people type like they talk doe?
Right, that's the one. Thank you.
i've read it
it was worth it
have a (You)
i think its because boomers dont understand technology so they feel the need to recreate every pause in their speech for you. generation soy usually uses it in snarky comments/rebuttals
>You do know ABC is not XYZ... Right?
regardless of age, a persons use of ellipsis is one of the single most effective ways to identify an asshole on the internet without ever speaking to them
I was talking about the overruse of question marks and exclamation marks never noticed the spacing. You see a lot of '???' and '!!!' from stupid people on eBay too. It's always the ones that leave retarded reviews.
There's nothing wrong with ellipsis, it depends on the content and tone used in the rest of the comment.
other people don't use ... the same way I use ... whhhhaahh. Do you realize how pathetic you sound...well do you?
Wow... so this... is the power.... of being literate....
Thank you... my friend....
I now know that.... iPhone is superior to Android......
I must rewrite all my Java applications now.... thank you... my friend....
What's the deal user?
Perhaps, you are using them wrong...
Try posting this in /lit/, a board that has people who can actually read more than a Buzzfeed article in one sitting. You won't find many who agree with you.
Old fucks on Facebook don't use them correctly either, man.
I hate that reply shit. Also, they type like that foe the same reasons they type with two fingers.
Agree with what? user asked a question...
/lit/ and /sci/ is for intellectual masturbation there's no real smart people there. If they're so smart why aren't they funny?
What is a loaded question?
they bumplimit'd a thread on why greentext is a new form of literature just days ago it's probably in the archive
So do you have an answer or not?
>it's real
wtf /lit/ is just full of tards
What I want to Know...is Why they Capitalise Random words all the Time...
Some Of Them Even Capitalise Every Word. This Has Happened Since Roughly 2002
Thats Just bad English... Some Of These People... Never Passed English in School... And Now Post Their Drivel Online... Thanks Steve Jobs...
what's with schizos always adding random CAPITAL WORDS and "weird punctuation" to their messages?
pretty much anytime you see the capital words come out you know it's some unhinged midwesterner
It's funny how you can identify people from their writing patterns. Bad news is AI can be used to identify you using this. So to remain anonymous in the future everyone may need to greentext to fool the system.
>>Thanks Steve Jobs
>"I don't want to see us descend into a nation of bloggers. I think we need editorial now more than ever.” - June 1st 2010, D8 Conference
Steve could have stopped it.
They're subhuman animals, that's the deal.
fuck you cunt
suck dick
Because they're slow, and they want you to read their retarded drivel just as they'd speak it. Keep in mind that this is the same generation that started multiple wars over fuckall, ran the US economy into the ground, and then complains that kids don't work hard enough, when most of us have multiple jobs and struggle to stay afloat in the mess they created. These are also the same degenerate pieces of trash that promoted the "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" culture that has destroyed Western social cohesion. These are the same cunts that say stupid shit like "nothing in life is free" while paying you breadcrumbs to the point where you have to file sever complaints with the DoL to squeeze your rightfully earned paychecks out of them, because apparently they're above the law.
Boomers are human garbage, and the younger generations are going to end up putting them on trial as traitors and executing them during the next civil war. Boomers get the bullet too.
I don't know Op...
Can't they
They're German.
Ebonics is terrible.
I want all blacks and women to leave the internet.
phoneposters too lazy to switch keyboard mode for capitals and punctuation
Fuck you
Fuck you
that's NOT true
No, Germans only capitalize at the Start of a Sentence and every Noun.
also they sometimes make spaces between words and sometimes they don't
they expect you to understand what they are alluding to
how do you not get this ???? !?..........
You are allowed to create nouns by concatenation. Like firetruckwaterhose or housestairshandlebar. Otherwise there is a space.
I know people that manually turn off auto punctuation and caps.
>auto punctuation
Every time you type "its" it (((corrects))) it to "it's" even if you meant "this belongs to this" rather than "it is".
Whenever my boss IM's me or emails me, I feel like they think I'm an idiot because he ends his sentences like "ok...." or "no..."
Like, I take that as you saying "Okay.... wow you're stupid".
But then I realize he's a pretty cool guy IRL, just types what he thinks/as if he's speaking to someone face to face.
This happens on an imageboard when you're too lazy to resize the inline post reply box, and you don't want the end result to be a single line.
>it's a boomer selling his shitty car on craigslist for a high price episode
It's an eyesore to look at this wall of text. Fuck off
What is boomer? What age is that? Twenties? Thirties?
I Want To Know Why People Capitalize Every Word, Not Just Proper Nouns. It Takes A Lot Longer To Type.
Wait is "it's" not possessive?
Google "what is a baby boomer".
fifties to seventies
are you terminally retarded
Maybe he's not american It's only Americans that tend to try and categorize generations like this. Gen X/YZ shit. Your family has generations but the human race as a whole doesn't. It's as stupid as the people who use the terms.