I want this board to be honest right now, and be honest with yourselves

I want this board to be honest right now, and be honest with yourselves.

Albums labeled as Sup Forumscore are typically the best ones. It's completely understandable to like other albums more and for them not to be your favorites, but to say they're bad because you wanna seem like you're better than the people who do is really, really dumb. The albums labeled as Sup Forumscore are typically fantastic albums and widely regarded as such, and shitting on them and people who like them is kind of ruining this board a little bit.

I think if the people who need to feel better about themselves so they try to shit on respected and brilliant artists should just be a bit more self-reflective before saying a clearly great artist is bad.

Like when people are talking about Radiohead, AnCo, Neutral Milk Hotel, GY!BE, etc, if you just come into the thread to say "they're all shit" or something, no one looks at you as anything more than a loser who is trying to prove dominance or something over people who just want to talk about some great albums.

I mean I'm just saying, and it's not like it's gonna change, I just wanted to let the board know that.



you know when people say these albums are shit, for the most part they're doing it to piss people like you off

they want threads like this

theyre winning.

can I save this pasta

>Albums labeled as Sup Forumscore are typically the best ones.
Lmaoing @ ur life

They're not all shit just Radiohead.

This is really not true. The pinnacle of 10,000 indie records, the pinnacle of 10,000 rap records, the pinnacle of 10,000 post-rock genres, the pinnacle of 10,000 jazz records... only reflect understanding of those bad genres. Sup Forums can zoom into the genres it's fond of, but not so much zoom out.

>10,000 post-rock genres

I mean in a way you're right but why make a thread about it

I want this board to be honest right now, and be honest with yourselves.

Albums labeled as poseur core are typically the best ones. It's completely understandable to like other albums more and for them not to be your favorites, but to say they're bad because you wanna seem like you're better than the people who do is really, really dumb. The albums labeled as poseur core are typically fantastic albums and widely regarded as such, and shitting on them and people who like them is kind of ruining this board a little bit.

I think if the people who need to feel better about themselves so they try to shit on respected and brilliant artists should just be a bit more self-reflective before saying a clearly great artist is bad.

Like when people are talking about Coil, This Heat, Beefheart, Boredoms, etc, if you just come into the thread to say "they're all shit" or something, no one looks at you as anything more than a loser who is trying to prove dominance or something over people who just want to talk about some great albums.

I mean I'm just saying, and it's not like it's gonna change, I just wanted to let the board know that.

I think that you're fucking stupid user even though I partially agree with you. I think that people should be able to voice their opinion if they feel that Sup Forumscore albums are bad. The only thing that's annoying is if people unironically act like they're objectively right and that their opinion is more than just that, a subjective opinion.

Sup Forumscore aren't supposed to be the best, just the most popular here.

>"it's the most popular, so it's the best"

This is a contradiction. If music quality were subjective, there would be absolutely no point in voicing it.

I can't tell if you're being serious. If explaining to other people why you like certain pieces of music so that they potentially see the piece itself from another perspective isn't a point then there isn't a point, for you at least. There are also a few other points, it's fun for example. The reasons why you talk about music are also subjective.

mind if i save tht rad pepe?

Yeah all Sup Forumscore albums are pretty great
I thought we all knew thinking Radiohead is bad is just a meme

you can't read

when you're calling this a copypasta you ARE criticizing it right?

The reason why Sup Forums shits on Sup Forumscore is because these albums have been talked about TO DEATH

There really isn't anything to discuss about ITAOTS that hasn't already been said on this board 985993 times

I already grabbed it sorry

>it's an OP hasn't worked out that Sup Forums doesn't mean about 90% of the things it says thread
