The USA killed 16 million Iraqis since the first Gulf War in 1990 including children, women and civilians

The USA killed 16 million Iraqis since the first Gulf War in 1990 including children, women and civilians.

t. Mahmoud "WE WUZ SUMERIANS" ibn Abdullah

Iraqis should thank USA, It saved them from becoming an overpopulated shithole

Salam, my Moor brother.


And people wonder why arabs hate the USA so much.

Not enough

last week it was 2.5 million, next week it'll be sixty billion

Americans are even better at genocide than hitler ever was.

Another good reason to love our greatest ally.

Did they actually kill that many, or is this just another example of middle easterners killing each other for practicing different versions of Islam?

The only mistake they made - they haven't kill of them

Would do it again, not going to lie

Top lel

t. bilel

very eloquent point

Overthrowing Saddam and Gaddafi was a dogshit idea.

They ruled the way they ruled for a reason. They would've naturally evolved into more developed countries eventually anyway.

This is just a historical lesson, which shows that overthrowing a dictator in a country, which is socially not ready for liberalization does more bad then good.

Things must go the natural way, the intervention had thrown them back another 50 years.

they've only killed about 200k

Ok now they should finish the job

Sorry I'm shitposting from phone and sometimes I forget to check what I've wrote. I meant
>The only mistake they made - they haven't killed all of them.

I've written*
Just fuck this shit

Bce нopм дeткa)

So, Ahmed?

>They ruled the way they ruled for a reason.
That's not always the case
For example we had a 30 years period in early 20th century where the people in power goberned without any intention of improving the country

>overthrowing a dictator in a country, which is socially not ready for liberalization does more bad then good

Right, this is why putin is still there

Thanks Swedalia for opening my eyes with concrete sources

No it's real, it says right here in this file I'm holding. It is written in Mexican ink, by an US of American, on Canadian paper. It can't get any more North American than this, so it's real.

friendly reminder that kuwait and khuzestan are rightful iraqi land

Me on the left

>He knows Arabic provinces
t. wog

Literally not enough

because the 18 million is more probable? these middle east wars aren't that deadly

Number is 1 percent of your claim

>He believes Bush lies.

Well, that's 1% of the global muslim population. Keep it up, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave™.

I'm already 30, in good shape, so I have a long way to go;I hope I will see Amrica in flames soon
Nuke the shit out of them, deliver the freedom

Alahmu ajrabuhima bimulinuva

>there are people out there who think IS has killed more civillians than the USA

Afghanistan has been fucked more, but we rarely hear of it. What's going on there now

You do realize that destabilizing a muslim shithole is the best way to
1. Raise birthrates
2. Increase radicalization
3. Get them to flee to Western countries

يخرج الكائن الحي إفرازات ناتجة عن هضمه الغذاء عبارة عن نفايات في هيئة بول وهو سائل أو في هيئة براز لين ، يخرج من فتحة الشرج. وتكون في الإنسان غالباً بنية اللون، إلا أنها قد تميل إلى الأخضر أحياناً، أو قد تزيد ميوعتها لتقترب من ميوعة الماء فيما يسمى بالإسهال. و هي من النجاسات في الدين الإسلامي وخروجها يؤدي إلى نقض الوضوء.

إذا كان البراز سائلا يكون ذلك علامة على الإسهال وإذا "صلبا" فهذا معناه إمساك وكلاهما يحتاج العلاج . يجب على الإنسان المحافظة على أن يكون البراز ليّنا لكي يتمتع بصحة جيدة ، وهذا يستدعي منه أن يراقب ما يأكله وأن يحتوي غذاؤه على الخضروات والألياف ، مثل الطحين الكامل .

> destabilizing a muslim shithole is the best way to
>1. Raise birthrates

They were already breeding like rabbits during the "stable" authoritarian period.

they determined the death toll by asking people if someone they knew died. never trust numbers