/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try protonmail or disroot

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Install GuixSD

Can you switch between different desktop environments on Debian?
I'm running gnome at the moment and want to try some other ones. How would I go about doing it?


what is GNUstep anyway?



Instead of starting your usual environment, you start the other one.

How do you start it though?
If you have more than one environment installed, does it give you a choice or something?

Display managers offer you a choice.

I want to have my Python 2 and 3 as if out-of-the-box from Debian Sid's repos, because I've been using pip install all willy-nilly before I knew better.

Do you think it would be enough to back up my python libs, delete the directories, and then tell aptitude to reinstall anything with 'python' in the name?

Or is there a better way?

Didn't realize there was a new thread

I copy and pasted the icons I wanted from the cheat sheet on their website, it worked before but now it doesn't.

#Variables for Workspaces
set $workspace1 "1"
set $workspace2 "2:"
set $workspace3 "3:"
set $workspace4 "4:"
set $workspace5 "5"
set $workspace6 "6:"

But where did you tell your taskbar to use that font?


>Better than 50 shades of grey



Are there any user-friendly distros that have as many packages available as Ubuntu?

Not man enough to install Arch yet

Ubuntu is about the most user-friendly distro there is so I don't understand where you're coming from.

the most user-friendly distros i know of are slackware and gentoo. users should know what they are doing. the os should be friendly to them by interfering as little as possible and being polite when it does

I mean equally or slightly less user-friendly than Ubuntu.

How does Fedora compare in terms of package availability? Is Alien pretty reliable in converting .deb to yum packages?

I switched completely from windows 10 to ubuntu 17.10.

Now i understand all.

Is there any good way to measure actual battery life vs running an acpi | grep check every 30 seconds? I seem to shift wildly between sitting at 50% with 2hr left and 50% with 6hr left.

Just wait until you replace it with a distro that isn't hard baked to use GnomeShit

Started using i3 recently. What are my options to avoid using tray icons for thinks like my VPN, Redshift, and most importantly, the nm-applet?

Can I replace them with text-based i3blocks blocks or something? I'm definitely willing to change my workflow, but would prefer to not have to manually use nmcli in the terminal every time I need to switch networks, for example.

is this like belinda blinked?

use a modern DE

>Use GNOME or KDE to cripple your battery life so you can see how little of it you have

desktop environments aren't eating cpu like you think. you can disable cpu intensive and disk intensive features if you're afraid of them.

don't try to make linux more painful than it has to be.

I've already got my WM set up exactly how I want it, I'm well past the initial teething pains of getting things configured.
I just don't particularly trust the battery estimates I get.

Install Systemd

>dat book preview

Why all that hate to gnome? I just want to know.

how can you have
>small is beautiful
>choose portability over efficiency

systemd is like portability over efficiency, and does that one thing really well

systemd does nothing very well.
It throws a blanket net of programs and services and hopes they all catch the right thing in the right order for it to run

not edgy enough. linux edgelords need a desktop environment to set themselves apart

does nothing well but standardize and streamline init across distributions. the whole point was portability. you can configure one unit for every distribution.

For Redshift, I just start it as a background process everytime I launch i3.

The NM there's a convenient d menu option.

Is it normal for windows to briefly turn completely black as I close them?

GNOME abandons every single principle of the Linux/POSIX philosophy. They design everything around the assumption you're using GNOME, and actively force or encourage other developer teams into building extensively exclusively for the GNOME environment, rather than keeping everything modular and extracted.

Every wonder why you're constantly finding all these gconf, gnome-* files everywhere?
They're cancer, pure and simple. To the point where they literally have referred to themselves as "the linux desktop"
Not THE linux desktop, as some kind of definitive game ender, but just "the linux desktop" as they were some built in default

No, GNOME developers are literally cancer

use actual units of current & charge instead of misleading ones like percentage and time
# batmon.sh

Gtk-Message: GTKDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.

Has anyone here gotten smb multichannel working between linux boxes?

After 5 days, still nobody. Stop pretending you can or need to utilize more than a gigabit/sec constantly.

>how can you have
>>small is beautiful
>>choose portability over efficiency

Between non-fullretard systems they can.

Easiest way to reinstall Linux? When I installed Ubuntu mate it just installed it over my broken regular Ubuntu drive, how could I do something similar again?

Is there a way to check any logs about any intruders? My firewall (I use the standard built in one, gufw) doesn't say much.

Pls respond, GNU/Linux friends

Please grow a functional brain before posting next time.

You manually fucked it up, you can only clean it up manually.
File dates can help, usually files from the same package have the same date and there is a chance your extra libs will have the date when you installed them

Before looking at replies, I actually quickly made a VM and installed Debian Sid on it, checked pip list out of the box, and apparently I somehow managed to not overwrite any of the ones Debian Sid comes with by default, just added extra ones.

Also one nice thing to know in the future, apparently pip is smart enough to separate dist-libs from pip libs

Anyway in the future if I absolutely must install something with pip I'm just going to
alias pyp='pip install --user' because using pip as sudo is a bad bad idea.

(and pip install --user doesn't actually touch /usr/lib, it stores stuff in ~/.local/lib)

(which should really be default if you ask me but oh well)

Ubuntu literally has a reinstall option

user@pc:~$ man somepackage
No manual entry for somepackage
See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.

user@pc:~$ man 7 undocumented
No manual entry for undocumented in section 7

what did they mean by this

alright, okay, fuck I feel retarded

>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
>Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

why no DDG in this list?

Where is GNU in this image? Is he the one taking the photo of his bathroom?

GNU is the water that will fall from the sink, and the Linux soap is the missing essential component in proper hand-washing

How did you even fuck up ubuntu

Can I install this on a touchbar MBP without messing with any of the Mac OS?


What the fuck has wrong with Plasma and Nvidia?

>install dmw
>everything is smooth
>firefox scroll is smoth as fuck
>install plasma
>firefox scroll becomes a shit
>drop frames on kwin
>on a fucking gtx 1080

The same shit happens with Gnome. For fuck's sake!

How do I set up Kodi as my shell on Debian? I followed the same guide I did last time but I can't get it to work.

i thought i was good installing arch and using it for around 2 years or so, it was my dream installation

then i bought a new laptop (Dell XPS 9560), and i've spent the last 48 hours trying to figure out how to reinstall arch to it

heres whats happening sofar:

1- wanted to clean wipe the drive, gparted live image gets stuck on CPU hang. apparently this is an issue with the foss nvidia drivers, but I cannot even boot in to anything to install propriety drivers.

2- tried to install arch via cli and then archboot. Im booting in UEFI, so I made a 1gb EFI partition for boot, gave it the EF00 type label and boot flag, then mounted that partition in my root under /boot. grub-install said it didn't look like an EFI partition and the bootloader failed to install

3- Tried to get in and fix grub files via Ubuntu live cd. Hangs on loading screen, could not change shell into terminal to figure out why it was hanging.

4- Tried to get into Debian live cd. Worked and the grub config looked perfectly okay, and correctly identified my EFI boot in EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi

5- Tried to do auto config by Archboot. There was a generic error when installing bootloader, saying it could not access /dev/nvm (my actual drive is /dev/nvme0n1)

i'm about to attempt another cli arch install because that seems to get the furthest every time, and I hope someone can help my step by step.

can someone explain to me how the program 'varedit' on the aur works?

so heres what i have done:

- booted into legacy BIOS
-connected to wlan via wpa supplicant, all fine
-opened /dev/nvme0n1p in cfdisk
-created the following:
0n1p1 - root, ID 83 Linux, bootable
0n1p2 - swap, ID 82 Swap
0n1p3 - home - ID 83 Linux
-formatted all these as ext4, swapon for 1p2
-mounted root (dev/nvme0n1p1) to /mnt
-mounted home to /mnt/home (is this correct?)
-pacstrap /mnt base
-genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
-chrooted into mnt
-timezone, locale, hostname etc
-installing grub:
since i'm using MBR (disklabel: DOS when i use fdisk -l
-run grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/nvme0n1p1
says something about embedding not being allowed in ext4, will not proceed with blocklists
-generated grub conf with grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

apparently this is it, so i exit chroot, unmount everything and rebooted machine

i rebooted into grub rescue, saying
error: symbol 'grub_real_boot_time' not found.

and i am stuck once again, any suggestions?

i fixed this

i moved existing grub install
mv /boot/grub /boot/grub-back
mkdir /boot/grub
then re-installed grub
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
grub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory=/boot

i'm in cli now, i'll install x and nvidia drivers and see if i can get the other ubuntu/debian related bugs fixed

Does the dd command automatically stop at the end of a partition even if the block count exceeds the "size" of it?

For example, say you run:
dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/output.data bs=2M skip=2 count=1

Assume sda2 is a 5MB partition. The skip parameter should skip 2 blocks(4MB), so there is 1MB available to be read before the end of the partition is reached. However, the count is set to read out 1 block(2MB) which would be past the 1MB available. My question again, will dd stop after reading the 1MB or will it continue to read? I would assume the former, but I'm not sure that it won't continue reading past the partition or looping back to the beginning of the partition so that it generates a full block.

I need a program that:

- lets me check my internet connections
- Sever a connection
- And reconnect

Any recommendations? It's a work around because switching to Windows fucks my connection when coming back to Linux. At work I got some program that lets me do the job by using the notification panel in xfce, but it's not installed iny my distro at home and i don't know its name. so here at home i always have to reset my router after using windows, and that sucks.

How long does partitioning a 5tb hard drive with gparted take? I'm trying to make a 3tb partition for over four hours now.

NetworkManager, nm-applet, gnome-keyring I believe will get you what you need

Is fireflx giving you trouble in arch? I get some really bad RAM spikes.

Whats the best DAW in linux? Is it Bitwig? I have external midi instruments that i'd like to set up with the least amount of hastle.

Installing Debian on my old laptop, wish me luck Sup Forums.

A miserable pile of libraries.

But it doesn't work on ARM.
So far, Parabola is comfy enough.

What luck, it's the easiest thing in the world

looks good. thanks!

I have installed the nvidia driver from the ubuntu official repo and now my pc hangs on the splash screen, what do i do?
why can't for once something just work on linux without constant problems god damn it? ;_;

Uninstall that garbage and realise you made a huge fucking mistake buying nvidia.

It's my first time, pls no bully. I gave up, desktop kept freezing on boot. I tried safe mode, but a lot of the bash commands I needed to run had the letter "D" in them. The D key on my laptop is broken.

>Uninstall that garbage
I thought people here liked linux. Should i just go back to windows?

You do know you can use a virtual keyboard, right?

Its probably either a parsing error, or an Xorg problem, both of which are easily fixable if you just google it

Freezing on boot as in you get kicked into tty1 or GRUB or freezing on boot as in freezing when you reach the graphical environment?

>both of which are easily fixable if you just google it
See this here is the exact reason why linux will never make it. There is no "just google it" on widnows. You just install it and it works. Fuck, you just plug it in and it works no installation needed.

That is because it is made to just werk. Its all done by one company, in its own ecosystem. The price you pay for it may or may not be too high for you. With Linux, things sometimes don't work, but you have some other options available. As far as im concerned, use what ever you want, but don't cry that Linux is bad because you cant be bothered to take 5 minutes of your time to do something.

No, uninstall the proprietary nvidia driver.

Whats the hostname exactly good for?
For example user@hospital
Could someone tell a brainlet why does it matter and how can it be useful?

Mostly for ssh purposes and identifying computers on a network. For solo purposes, if you are off any network, it is just another name that doesn't matter.

Freezing when I reach the desktop environment.

I can use that in the safe mode terminal? I was thinking I could just plug in my main keyboard, but then I'd have to unplug it from the back of my PC and I'm lazy.

I don't know I have to google to install some things on Windows.

And which DE would that be?

What do you think about kernel hardening? wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Security#Kernel_hardening

Does your distribution provide kernel hardening? What do you do to protect your system?

I build my own daemons for security and i build them autistically to come in multiple parts. As for kernel hardening, i couldn't care less, its Volkerdings job to care.

I see a lot of people not bothering about running old as fuck kernels. I was wondering if they're not concerned at all or if it's just too bothersome to do something about it.

Slackwares kernel isn't old, it is built on the latest LTS kernel.

Obviously I'm not talking about you. Just check out the latest neofetch threads and you'd see what I mean.

Thats because they probably don't care about security, but instead care for their rice. Its not like anyone is going after their hentai collection. Since that is essentially what every screenfetch/neofetch thread is about

>omg, website I just connected to knows my ip, user-agent and location
Every time someone is posting this tech illiterate picture a kitten dies.

hey Sup Forums whats ya favorite image viewer on GNU/Linux?
+bonus for gif support!