Home button dongle

A fucking home button dongle top kek the state of applefags

Other urls found in this thread:


>don't buy tech with planned obsolescence
>don't give attention to tech with planned obsolescence
>don't click on articles giving attention to tech with planned obsolescence
>cancer cures itself

>inventing a problem then selling you a solution
Classic Applel

Just use an audio jack butt.....oh, right.

>"I think this will be my favourite accessory"
jesus christ

>there's a big delay on the virtual home button compared to the physical button
this is getting better and better

Fuck off.


go to 5:10
I love how excited he is that he can finally listen to music and charge his phone at the same time

Why is there a gap between the dongle and the phone?

desu if i had some super gimped device and found something like that i'd be excited kek

go to 5:30
"It costs about 15 dollars, it's definitely not overpriced"

Laugh now but we laugh last.
Slowdroids will adopt this soon enough.

>removable batteries
>removable storage

Less shit can break and it looks futuristic.

Just get a galaxy phone desu

Its made by some random chinese company and is apparently rather hard to actually get hands on.
Literally the first 10s of the video.

The home button on my Note 8 is way better than anything Apple came up with.
Hard pressing feels like pressing physical button and doesn't get in the way of apps.

because it's a cheap piece of shite, just like what it connects to, but not fully designed to fit that piece of shite.

Calling it now; a future iphone will do away with the touch screen and instead be entirely voice operated. They will sell a special case with a thin overlay for the screen that gives a laggy and inaccurate touch interface.

Two versions later they will just ship an empty box. You now interact with your "phone" via surveillance satellite. Simply shout your frustrations at the sky.

>"I don't know how they did it"

gotta love the future

Nah, it will be the logical conclusion- a plug shaped device that you can shove up your ass, it will work via vibration like those underwater headphones, so they can now fuck you literally.
It will at first only be able to use morse code, you can buy the phone addon for the cheap price of just $400.

you have to pay apple to legally make a lightning port peripheral. that's why apple got rid of the headphone jack, because it didn't give them free money

what makes you think that adapter is legal?

Imagine being that cucked.

>inventing a problem then selling you a solution

actually that's just capitalism in a nutshell

Android has has onscreen buttons since like a decade

Lol no it isn't. That's abuse of trust in a nutshell.

"it can also act as a stand"


No one can out cuck mobile phone whores, no one.

>It's not easy to let go of things that we are convinced are important to us, in some way or another, be it for their perceived practical or sentimental values. This holds true for many things in life, even when it comes to otherwise inconsequential in the grand scheme of things material possessions, such as souvenirs, old photographs, and other mementos of days past. But the same also holds true not only for items of sentimental value—the merits of which can be defended by their owners, and rightfully so—but also for thoroughly utilitarian things as well. Things like, say, technologies.

15 bucks to have basic functionality on a $1000 phone and it looks like shit.
>wow this works so well and it's not overpriced at all!

Wow, no home button. So futuristic.


This author is a sad sack of shit who would probably starve themself to death if Apple told them to.

oh fuck i just came so hard it broke through my window and went cleanly through the temple of someone down the street. I need to pick up another gnexus at some point this was the first good android device i owned and i really miss it ;__;

>Let me just press the home bu-SNAP
>Guess I have to buy a new phone

>$15 to add basic functionality
>doesn't even work properly and is cumbersome



What is it with you "muh future" retards and loving features being taken away?
It's not even that it's being replaced, it's just straight up removed, for zero reason.

>"you don't need to make fun of it anymore because it's real"
Fucking fruitfags

more likely because it would cover the speakers
or scratch phone

but yee, it looks retarded