
Can someone explain to me who were the celts? Do they still exit? How did they live? What did they invent? What did they look like?

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It's sad that all our traditions were oral. Our druids should had wrote books.

>our traditions

Some worthless cucks that got genocided

there are still some anglos who think that they are celtic

We aren't genocided, debilo.

yeah they still exist in ankara

hol up, turks was celts an shieeet?

Celts, along with Basques and Maniots are the only white people in the world (remaining)

So germanics aren't white? or Germanics are celts?
What does celtic people look like?

This map is retarded


Yes. ours.

That is such a shit map my eyes hurt by looking at it.

It's (was) just a linguistic group with probably may different phenotypes, just like how Poles aren't exactly Bulgarians

they were/are lots of things, celts has many meanings across a wide area, some related some not. Some people spoke Celtic language, some people used their pottery and metalwork, some people followed their death rituals, some people had the genes, some people had all of these and some had only one, some had more than one but different sets etc. You can see how this goes on. You could take 10 celts from 10 different places and find things that link them but find things that would indicate otherwise.

There's an ancient celtic village near my town. My area is known for it's celtic influence since we were part of Galicia.
However, really little is known about their culture here because the catholic church isn't exactly really tolerant towards other religions

Celts in turkey? Da fucc?
Aren't they suposed to be mongols?

Tukey is mongrel countrey. You have since Swedes from the times of the ERE empire to blacks from the Ottomans, all mixed with Indo-euros, a variety of steppe nomads from Kipchaks to Turks and the native populations than is another mix from a lot of ancien peoples.

Yeah, because romans didn't cucked the peninsula. Let's blame the church when they were long time gone when we became christians.


It was a cultural and ethnic group. They still exist through their descendents in Glorious Europa.

Tfw phoenician master race

They invented trousers even though they lived in mudhuts. How about that?

meme map