Daily reminder of what the best DE is

250KB Ram Usage
Sensible defaults
Best themes
250KB Ram Usage

>he uses a desktop environment
get a tiling WM scrub

What about, using XFCE3 with i3? Checkmate atheists


>not using a superior window manager

hahahahaha this does not run xfce3

neck yourself.


I have no idea what that is or does

>last updated: feb 2015
>screentearing out the arse
>known problem for fucking years
>"just use a different compositor or add tearfree=true to your config, faggot"
>fix doesn't fucking work 90% of the time

I really want to love xfce, but jesus fucking christ what a shit DE it is.

i'm on xfce but want to switch because of crappy hiDPI support. what DE should I switch to? mostly want lightweight.

KDE Plasma. You have to disable window effects you don't want but mine runs at 400 mb from a cold boot.

How come window botnet cia niggers always got to shill their shitware? You come into a thread about a Linux DE and attempt to make 4 rupees from your daily shilling

If you can't figure how to apply TearFree then Linux is not for you.

This is the best DE at the moment imo. It is fucking smooth to use (thanks to ogl).


>if you don't know how to needlessly fuck about with configs to make your eyes not bleed, you shouldn't be using it
Also you:
>why aren't more people using Linux!?

Lagging on everything i used, not lightweight at all.

Hasn't been updated since 2015 senpai

Well a toaster may not run it very well but i find it very fast on an Ivy-Bridge dual-core i5

Do you mean MB OP? 250KB RAM usage sounds ludicrous

Yeah, my computer is from 2011, that's why i xfce.