Web dev hate thread

Share your hatred for common fuck ups in web development.

>check out liveleak.com today
>greeted by new layout
>definitely an improvement to the old one
>inspect source
>find .col-xs-12 inside .col-xs-12 inside .col-xs-12 and .pad_none on all of them
>only 1 .row element in sight

I have noticed that dumb programmers are not able to grasp Bootstrap's simple grid system. You're supposed to place .col-* elements inside .row elements. When you don't do that, the grid system falls apart. These self titled engineers then come up with fragile hacks to get around the floating poop on the page.

>Columns overlap elements below them
>Block elements with width: 100% appear beside columns
>The height of the parent element of the columns is 0
>Background color of the parent element of the columns does not work
All these issues are the result of an implementation detail being leaked out of the Bootstrap grid system, which is the use of float elements. The .row class hides this detail but programmers with low IQ discover more quickly that they can just stick .col-xs-12 everywhere and have these issues disappear, unknowingly turning every element of their page into a float, instead of reading the fucking manual and learning about .row.

Some programmers add all four column classes (.col-xs-12, .col-sm-12, .col-md-12, .col-lg-12) which I am sure is done so they can stand out more stupidly from the other stupid programmers.

>Nested .col-* classes add up padding
All .col-* classes have padding on the left and right sides. A .row element stretches itself out so that the left padding of the first column and the right padding of the last column are cancelled out. But you geniuses choose to manually remove the padding with inline styles or with classes like pad_none on every .col-* element. Your heads are so deep in your asses that you don't even realize that by doing this on .col-xs-12 you're basically recreating a complicated and quirky version of a simple div element.

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I should have probably stopped reading here.
Being a video botnet site it's a lost cause.

>ITT: autistic permaneet rants about pedantic bullshit

All this text and yet you're still a webdev brainlet

>Being a video botnet site

Do you even know what a botnet is?

>muh but it works argument

You must be very popular in your workplace.

I hated everything about webdev.

Then I discovered Elm and I now like webdev

there's the actual problem. basic HTML and CSS is extremely simple. you don't have to use any of these frameworks to make a website look good. you just need to understand what you're doing.

So you enjoy wasting your time implementing the same components over and over again for different projects?

Wasting time, how? There is little you have to do. It takes as much time to use bootstrap. And it'll also consume less resources.

>Want to write a mastodon media scraper
>Should be pretty simple, 15 lines of Python MAX
>turns out half of the page is generated client-side with JS
>Check this shit out pastebin.com/raw/8VgsMNYi
>Have to start a whole fucking browser in headless mode to render the page and get some usable HTML

>Do the same thing for twitter
>It's even worse
>Try to use their API
>Create account
>Request API token
>Need to give them a fucking phone number
>End up also using a headless browser
>Write my scrape script in Go with 1600 concurrent goroutines because fuck their servers


It's not like you type out the whole damned thing you know. Have you not heard of things like Emmet?

>actually believes Emmet allows you to create a carousel slideshow or an accordion menu faster


Tools like this encourage sloppy code. I remember a co worker showing me how to create 100 li elements with a single emmet abbreviation when we could have just added a 3 line for loop that would be easier to change in the future.

I fucking hate your kind. You make my job harder than it needs to be.

No fallback if javascript is disabled.

>And it'll also consume less resources.
This is incorrect.

>for loop
>for li elements

I worded that wrongly. bootstrap will consume more resources. Unless that is what you think is incorrect?

if you need more complicated scripts (like a carousel slideshow) i don't mind if existing solutions are used. i just don't like extensive frameworks for really basic stuff. where you won't use the majority of the functionality.

>3 line for loop that would be easier to change in the future.
server (or software) generated? then ok. but in the end, for the site that visitors actually see in their browser, static > JS generated

>I worded that wrongly. bootstrap will consume more resources.
The thing about young and naive web developers is that they think they know how to implement all those features by themselves more efficiently in less time and with less code than the people who have worked on those libraries for almost 10 years.

>know how to implement all those features
>all those features
but that is the point. you don't need all those features. only a small amount of them. but yet you're loading all the features.

That's a moot point when you actually can choose which features you want to include in Bootstrap, both CSS and JS.

I thought I'm the only one on Sup Forums that knows about and likes elm

>using a framework you don't understand
>in a language you don't understand
modern web design, everybody

Yes, you're not the only one who enjoys dick on Sup Forums.

fucking disgusting

No reason to make multiple rows in BS4 tho, since it's flex-based.

why wouldn't you just use typescript
like a normal person

Normal person on Sup Forums means cock sucker, correct?

it's by definition all stuff that comes from foreign servers and jeopards my IT security

Are you fucking retarded? Even Sup Forums is distributed on a world wide network, why are you here?

>>Check this shit out pastebin.com/raw/8VgsMNYi
what the fuck man

>using carousels
brainlet detected

I like this new "Sup Forums hype man" meme

twitter's api is the biggest pile of dogshit ever

view source zandoo.cz