What the actual fuck is wrong with people? Why can't google just put the photocredit beside the image preview...

What the actual fuck is wrong with people? Why can't google just put the photocredit beside the image preview? Why are these fucking faggots so worried about getting credit every time they take a shit? I've actually had a few photographs I took get passed around and used quite a bit in various graphic design projects, or turned into desktop backgrounds, and you know what I thought when I saw my shit on google or some teenager used my stuff to make a wallpaper and posted it on a forum?
>oh cool, tons of people are looking at my shit and get to have this really cool background now, I would never be able to reach this many people by myself

Why the fuck are people so fucking greedy? Holy fuck this makes me so mad. If you dont want people to see or use it, dont put it online

Other urls found in this thread:


You can still view the image, you just have to do it with your browser and it takes an extra step.

Oh my god, this was so difficult!

go fuck yourself commie scum, you want to use my pictures then pay for them, I worked hard to afford the equipment that allows me to take them and you to enjoy them

Complaining about people “stealing” pictures you posted online is like complaining about people stealing quarters you left lying on the sidewalk.

It doesn't open the full size image

As I said, don't post your pictures online. Or use your pictures in something actually useful that actually takes talent and sell that. Sell your services to people individually. Or take pictures of shit that is actually relevant, and then monetize your social media account. Retards like you have forgotten the "journalism" part of "photojournalism". A picture should almost always supplement the content, not be the content. As I said, I used to do photographic, digital design, ads, web design, etc, if people "stealing" your fucking pictures is hurting your business, you aren't that good.

> It doesn't open the full size image
Yes, it does. Just tried it

It's an SEO/Marketing thing, which is the entire point of revenue for Google.

You can still right click the image or long-press on mobile to copy image url.

lmao that other guy is retarded but it's like you two wanted to continue the retardation

Are you fucking retarded? Why are you uploading it to the internet in the first place?

>It doesn't open the full size image

If you let it fucking load the image, it does, every time.

You're literally opening the thumbnail, you mongoloid spastic.

You have shit broswer then.

>It doesn't open the full size image
reverse image search
view all sizes

>Right click on image
>"View image"
Wow that was hard.

Megumin a cute


>click image to get to the site to download the large version
>because of WEB 2.0 the image is nowhere to be seen, lost forever in dynamic loading land while I angrily scroll past garbage I didn't came for

Thanks, Getty.

This is what I have always done because it felt more 'pure' than seeing the image surrounded by the lookup window. And even at that I'm talking about DDG because I don't use Google. I don't see why everyone is making such a fuss.

it shows the full image when youre shown the full image in google images. but when youre shown a thumbnail in google images, it does not show the full image. it shows a thumbnail. while 'view image' used to get the full image, not the thumbnail.

It didn't work for those sites before anyways (e.g Pinterest).

But they're digital you retard, absolutely worthless

>click visit page
>wah disable your ad blocker to view this page
>bombarded with ads and malware
>image I came for isn't even there
Yeah, just an extra step.

Better solution: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/google-search-view-image/

>needing an addon for something a simple userscript can do

There's an extension you can get that readds it, open source too

who the fuck is michael zhang?
is that even a name?
Is it russian



Zhang is a fairly common Chinese name. Either born in a western country, or picked the name Michael as his 'western' name when he learned English. Chinese people often pick a common western name they use in English speaking places, because everyone has trouble remembering their real name and pronouncing it correctly, especially given that a lot of the meaning in Chinese is in the intonation.

Now google's reverse image search is broken as well. Great.

It depends on the server

Why didn't google just stop indexing anything from getty?

Rightclick on the image

Because then Getty would whine about that. Fuckers are literally the jpg MAFIAA.

Getty wouldn't take that offer as it would cost them views and potential revenue.

>Right click
>View image
Wow that was so fucking hard



// ==UserScript==
// @name Google Images Fix
// @author Blah
// @namespace googleimagesfix
// @description Attempts to fix the view image button
// @version 1.0.5
// @include *://www.google.*/search*tbm=isch*
// @grant none
// @require ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

$(document).ready(function() {

$(window).on("load", function(){
$(".irc_rist").filter(function() { return $(this).css("visibility") == "visible";}).children().first().click();

$("body").on("click", "a[href^='/imgres']", function(){
var data = JSON.parse($(this).next().text());

if (!data.ou) { data = JSON.parse($("img[name*='" + data.id + "'").first().parent().next().text()); }

$('View image').insertAfter($("span:contains('Visit')").parent().parent());

>information having any value at all in a free market economy
Where did this meme come from?
Also the belief that all work is entitled to compensation isn't capitalistic either, only useful work is.


>dem permissions it requires
that's a hard nope. guess right click -> view image for now.

It doesn't open the full image size on some images

Imagua becomes more relevant

>Using a Mac

OS X is great

don't cry about a private company


>Supposedly "professional" PC
>Every other update borks the connection to company infra in one way or another
>Features that either lock up or fuck up shares
>Keys stuck because a fraction of a dust particle got under them
Sure is great when they offload QA to their customers.

I switched to duckduckgo.com/ image search.

Probably a temporary fix, but works ALMOST as well as google used to, at the moment.

I use Yandex :3

Megumin a cute

>ends up with thumbnail

>open image in new tab

use bing faggot

Pinterest is the worst website ever created.


tfw " photography" watermark