What's the best way to keep data backups off site? Currently I have all my computers backed up on a NAS...

What's the best way to keep data backups off site? Currently I have all my computers backed up on a NAS, but in the event my house burns down or something my data is gone. I was thinking of backing up the NAS to an encrypted HDD and keeping it in my car, which is generally pretty far from my house, but we have had storms (my place is below sea level and we're right next to a river) where levees break and flood the town with 4-5 feet of water, which would submerge most of my car. Should I take the HDD and store it in my locker at work? Or should I look into an online backup solution?

Put the HDD's in something a little more secure like a safe or a safety deposit box?

Safety deposit box.

Safety deposit box, or a friend or family's place.

Bury underground in a chest, write directions on a treasure map

This, if its that important.

If its not important or privacy sensitive but you want an offsite backup then go woth a paid cloud service.

But if its not that important then if ur house burns down u have worse shit to worry about..

Either rent storage space on some storage company's (amazon, backblaze, rackspace, whoever else you want...) server, or as the other anons said, just put it in a box.

I suggest waterproof box in a place where it can't easily be carried away, AND an air evacuated airtight plastic bag because it costs you like nothing to do two layers of waterproofing and it's generally pretty effective to have a plastic bag.

I've heard stories of firefighters stealing fireproofs safes. Anyone else?

they're on sale this week at office depot. you can also get them at walmart

note these are fireproof and water proof, not theft-proof. a crowbar will easily open it, and you should still seal the drive in something airtight (to test toss a dead drive in the bag into water and see if anything leaks into the bag).

Rotating encrypted drives between friends/relatives

> Backup to drive 1, 2 and 3
> Drop drive 1 to person 1.
> Next backup, drop drive 2 to person 2,
> Next backup, drop drive 3 to person 1, retrieve drive 1
> Next backup, drop drive 1 to person 2, retrieve drive 2
> Next backup, drop drive 2 to person 1, retrieve drive 3
> Next backup, drop drive 3 to person 2, retrieve drive 2
> Repeat

I have been doing this for 5 years, every month or so between family members and buddies. Great excuse to go have a beer with my mates/relatives that I would not often see. This of course implies that you are not a basement dwelling faggot. If you are, suck shit, you don't deserve offsite backups.

*click click*

I also use a NAS as primary backup and I keep an offsite backup in my parents large-ass safe

LTO tapes at your parents house.

I bury a tupperware full of tapes every month in a nearby forest. I have two sets that I rotate, so I only have to make one trip. Every first saturday/sunday I go there and unbury it and bury the replacement, then at the end of the month I backup to the tapes I unburied, and next 'burial day' I swap them for the set I buried a month ago.

buy a hermetic plastic box
fill it with cotton wool or warp disc in bubble foil
add these balls that absorb moisture
eventually put it in a safe

this is the most soyboy thing I have read here long long time. bet you let homosexuals penetrate you anally too so there is a reason to grab soya beer afterwards.

fireproof doesn't mean shit, the heat would still destroy the HDD inside

aye! google confirms this

OK, how about a UL 125 rated safe?

>UL 125 rated safe
Should be fine.

I'm thinking of buying a hard drive that I'll keep unplugged just to backup images. What is the most reliable brand?

Get a large SD card and make a backup on your phone.

Buy 1tb of space on the cloud and forget about it. When you realize the time you'll save and the convience it's worth it.

If you're a skinflint/paranoid/have autism buy a USB hard drive toaster, attach it to your computer, and drive it offsite. Do not forget hard drives are normally unencrypted and insecure. You could do some sort of networked solution but inherently creates a single point of failure.

Keep a regular HD.
A second HD on RAID.
A third external HD.
A fourth external HD powered by a different phase.
A fifth HD, disconnected from your PC and receiving all its data encrypted and wirelessly, and powered by some completely off-the-grid source, like a small wind turbine or sollar cells buffered by a rechargeable battery bank.
A sixth one, just like the fifth one but hidden away outside of your property.
A seventh one, encrypted, in a bulletproof host located in a country with strong privacy laws and unlikely to be invaded by Uncle Sam in the near future.
An eighth one, same as the seventh one but in a different country with the same qualifiers.
A ninth one, floating in a baloon at the maximum altitude it can without reaching any flight lanes in your area (but mount a few blinking red lights just to be safe), equipped with a drone-like, self-controlled six-axis motion system so it never strays far from the area above your home, receiving your (encrypted) data obviously wirelessly, which thanks to the distance will require a precise narrowcasting system with both the transmitting antenna in your house and the receiving one in the balloon to always be aligned, and last but not least, an independent, renewable power system to sustain everything in the balloon, like the aforementioned small wind turbines, solar cells and buffer batteries.
Tenth and last one, a dead man's switch.

Finish all steps, and you'll have moved past "filthy casual" tier.