Apple brainwashing

I like how the action needed to uninstall an app is to press and hold on the app's icon for a long time. Not only is it counterintuitive, it is the complete oppose of what would be intuitive. Apple is complete pure garbage.

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>t. poorfag who doesn't understand UI/UX

Apple should really be bankrupt, however the SJW movement will discriminate against you in things like housing and employment if they think you are not the type of person who would purchase Apple products. It is through things like this they are able to have power.

You're joking.

It is the least bad thing about touch UI problems.

The problem is that under the concept of form fits function, holding down on an app's icon is the complete opposite of what a person would be doing to uninstall an app.

I like how you're so mentally stunted that this confuses and angers you to the point of making a post about it.

How do you function as a person if you can't even do something millions of braindead welfare leeches handle every day without even speaking a word of it?

What wpuld you be doing to uninstall and app?

apple does so much shit wrong with touch user interfaces, and you choose to die on THIS hill?

You're joking.
Have an actual "delete" function like desktops do.

He wants everything to be accomplished through nested submenus and lists like the PCs he's little ducked to.

A phone is not a desktop. Are you really this fucking stupid?

Yeap, and if you are the type of person who would work for the non axis of evil aligned companies then good look making it through colleges. I've seen for a fact that university professors are willing to give someone an "F" grade even when they should have gotten an A.
You're joking.

Ok, but what would be the process to access this delete function is what I'm asking

The natural state of the Sup Forums ape.

That's what you want to think.

You could be the stupidest cunt on this board. You need to feel bad about it.

nope, not joking. apple has fucked up so many interface elements of ios, and they've been well-documented. this is barely a blip. it's the kind of thing someone with autism would fixate on because-oh

Sometimes when a person is delusional, they think what they want to think with respect to a given point of view to support the conclusion they want to come to. You are thinking what you want to think.

Are you trying out some new method of confusing people who don't belong to your tribe, or are you just projecting?

We're thinking exactly as you'd like us to think, that you're either a desperate redditor or a shit chucking ape who can't even hold his finger down over an icon like we've done for decades on small devices with primarily digitizer-driven input.

I just don't feel like dignifying your stupid arguments with any kind of real response. The right way to respond to someone throwing rocks at you is not to throw a rock back at them, but to bomb their country into submission. The 'murican gubbermint sure knows this all too well.

As for your "argument", that's like calling a straight person stupid because they don't know how to stick a dick up a person's ass. Its not that they don't know how, it is because they refuse to because it is beneath them. Understand?

long press is the same thing as right click when we're talking touch. so according to your own logic it's working correctly.

Then what the fuck is this cringe rambling? Just shut up already and close the tab if you don't want anyone to challenge the fragile foundation of your constructed reality. Stop wasting our time.

You're delusional.

You don't know what I am, because to read what I say would challenge your presupposed ideas of me, others who would accuse you of being delusional and the reality you have no control over, because you and your shit ideas of what things should be are rightfully irrelevant.

This is your coping mechanism. You are thinking what you want to think.

OP is definitely a faggot.

iToddlers will defend this.

Very well, then would you deny that getting users to hold down on an app to delete it is a way of getting them to think backwards?

OP here, the real reason I brought this up is not just for the sake of brand warfare. Something like this has Orwellian connotations and is bigger than just an issue of one company vs another. I hope that people can realize that this issue is part of something bigger.

OP im an android fag and this is the most bullshit argument i have ever heard

Android was designed by Google. Apple, Google and Intel are all what I would consider the "axis of evil" of technology.

Apple is a fucking scam

fucking how? explain your paranoid bullshit or fuck off

This is exactly what I do with my S8 though.
Why is this in relation to applel?

Are you denying it or are you not? I have already explained it pretty clearly. Making something look like the opposite of what it really is is exactly how communist and fascist governments have enslaved their people. "Ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery" and so forth.


how is "hold to swap modes and hit X to uninstall" making something look like the opposite of what it really is? you are absolutely paranoid

In a way, Steve Jobs was not lying. Apple products "just work", with "just" used in the same sense as in "it's just a game", implying that Apple products merely work but don't expect much more than that.
Does pressing down on a button not usually correspond to launching some action and not deleting it?

This is important!

iToddlers will defend this.

u r very smart

oh i see im dealing with an absolute brainlet here i understand now

Yes, and I don't really know what "backwards" means to you considering the method you're suggesting is exactly what was used on legacy mobile platforms like Windows Mobile/CE and Palm OS. There's nothing really incredibly "unintuitive" about this, no more than using a mouse and keyboard for the first time, and it's simple enough to discover accidentally or come to on your own since years of touch interfaces have conditioned us to accept that pressing and holding on something is a legitimate gesture. It's more conducive to batch-deletion and a suitable use of the press-and-hold gesture on a touch device with no stylus for more accurate menus.
>the marketing slogans aren't literally true, IT'S 1984 FOR REAL THIS TIME!
Did you buy an iPhone expecting it to fucking wipe your ass? Your entire reasoning seems to be that because one mundane feature may not be immediately pointed out to the user, the product does not align with the idealized vision your literal interpretation of the marketing literature caused you to project onto it and thus... we're living in some orwellian post-truth reality. Or whatever. Check into rehab when it's most convenient for you, I think you need to get clean.

It is intuitive though. Holding pressure on the screen is used in android too...
iPhones are overpriced shit for the masses tho, android 4eva.


But will you defend your fragile asshole when I ram my throbbing cock through it later tonight?