Code of Conducts to grant immunity to upper/middle class white (trans) females

FreeBSDs new CoC:
It was copied and pasted from, and money is now being funneled towards those people for
"coc training". Criticism and feedback not welcome.

And of course FreeBSDs new Code of Conduct summoned scam artist Randi Harper back from xer hole.

In general world of source we see jobs being created for the likes of Ashley "kill all men" Williams, now part of the Rust core team. Which project will be next? And is there still hope for FreeBSD?

Other urls found in this thread:

Tinfoil hat time!
Allot of the places these people want control of, are capable of affecting major communications
influencing opinion, influencing security/adding back doors etc.
Bet allot of word wide governments/special interest groups would love to have seats in these places yea?

In fact, that CoC was created after Rancid Harpie harassed a FreeBSD ports committer for his political opinions

Just stop using software written by faggots. NetBSD is still around. So is Linux and openbsd. dragonflynbsd if your needs are esoteric.

Or we grab seL4 and make noFagsOS

On of the few guys heavily pushing this new CoC calls himself Randis "Mentor".

Guess next time Randi targets someone it will be very easy for her to bully that person out.

Colin Percival. Boy genius, but complete social autist, and a leaf cuck. He will be devoured by "me too" style attacks from his "allies", mark my words.

Randi won't be a problem for long if she keeps up her normal consumption of meth and fast food.

how much cock training do they need?

It's so sad. You can tell he's one of the very few who push this stuff that actually means well

Depends on how much money feminist "harrassment educators" are after.

Yeah it really is a shame.

>simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like "*hug*" or "*backrub*") without consent
fuck this gay earth

What about *blocks your path*

is this you?

That's rape, user.

tf is this website

Repeat after me:
You can't mandate human behavior

Of all things I have no problem with banning people who say shit like this because it's retarded. Anybody who types shit like *huggles* unironically should be banned from all projects.

> Implying they actually do this to create a friendly environment for everyone

You have been visited by the CoC(K)

CoC(k) {_____}
Code Of Conduct Killer _oOPPYbo.
_,ooO8O' `Ob
_,ooOPP"' Ob dO
_oooOP"'' `Oo. ,O[
Ob _,ooOPP'' `YYboOP
`O[ _ooOP"'' _,oOPP"'
YOooooOP' _ooOP"'
'' ,ooOP''
,O. ,OP Yb contribute code or you're a racist
dO' " Yb get offended as a responsible adult
]O. dO spread this like happy herpes
Ob _,o. dOP
`Ooo___ooOP'`YbooodPP just imagine what would happen
'`"""'' `''' if we all decided to understand

Hey thanks, op. I read all of that stuff and I am totally now convinced the BSD project is sunk, Mired in a swamp of its own making. The point I loved best was that these SJW's are embedding themselves as a voice of moral arbitration, when in fact they are doing nothing more than scamming organisations and protecting their own positions. Companies adopting this bullshit will not survive


God damn this shit makes my blood boil.
That's easily one of the most pretentious, talking out of their nose, belittling messages I've seen from a person who has done absolutely nothing to deserve their place.

> They are investing donation money for this

1: Complain
2: Stop donating
3: ????????

4: Profit


I see in that email thread the op posted that the FreeBSD foundation has a status of "Charity organisation". That means its book-keeping must be made transparent and public. I believe in Europe and The USA there are a great many laws surrounding the extent to which a charity can be scrutinised and brought to the attention of those who donate to them. It appears that the charity sees fit to pay a lot of money to people with no technical ability to impose some bullshit code of conduct on technical discussions and meetings. It would be worth making their accountancy public or forcing them to disclose what they spent and how they spent it

post that6 in one of their forums lol

The good thing about the BSD cuck license is that you can take any part of their code without any repercussions whatsoever
You don't need to deal with this shit

He wouldn't make it that far, they will currently delete your post if you even THINK about "Code of Conduct" or anything similar.

So should I get windows server now?
I know these are all funded by MS and US government to derail open source projects since commercial products get hit very hard by open projects

She fixed a few simple bugs in the god awful FreeBSD installer so now she's acting like she's a programming god.

This Randi Harper person is as thick as two short planks and couldnt think their way out of a paper bag compared to Anita Sarkeesian but they are both fascists of a type that is very dangerous to free speech. If you ever wanted to derail these people you would have to work quite hard to get the dirt on them and I mean the dirt that stinks enough to see them out of a job. I think the cartoons about them are true, they are nothing but blackmailing scumbags
This is about Sarkeesian

You just went full retard, user.

Did she even do that on her own?
Somehow I get the feeling she was heavily spoonfed and received constant mentoring for that and is now selling the work of others as her own.

in what way
feel free to explain

god tripz

>Or we grab seL4

seL4 is the world's first operating-system kernel with an end-to-end proof of implementation correctness and security enforcement.
This project is a mathematically-verified bug-free microkernel system that supports x86 and ARM, and aims to be general-purpose.



Genode OS, an OS framework that supports seL4 and other kernels:

seL4 is already being used and researched by the military for avionics and helmet displays.

blessed thread

He went so retard that he can't even see it.

upper white middle class is the definition of white trash

excellent but first we need a logo

>asking to see the financials of a registered non-profit organization you're donating to is rude
dear god, what a fucking retard.

this guy disagrees

as much as I love the idea of seL4, is probably closer to being usable, and just as interesting.

Hmm. that looks like it could be pretty good, but I think the formal verification and whatnot make seL4 much more attractive. On top of that, it has support from Genode, which seems to provide a set of common drivers and components for multiple microkernels.
Take a look:


go back to Sup Forums

um, no sweetie
stealing requires permanent borrowing + privilege.
He's black thus no privilege,
therefore not stealing.

go back to /leftypol/

>I am using Mac don't neckbeard system.

Faggots should be gassed, tbqh.



Benno Rice says the reason the CoC was implemented, and later was planned to be updated (what we got now) was Randi Harper causing twitterstorms:

It's true
This is all for the goal of destroying open software

oh fuck!
you telling me the SJW's infiltrated FreeBSD too?
Colour me surprised, BSD-Gate when?

>SJW is now a derogatory term


>Steve Jobs Ware

it's all true

>We must destroy privacy because otherwise how will we know if a given man is secretly a woman hater!!

Nice ding-dong diddly false flag, now you go back to Sup Forums drumpftard.

i don't understand why it's so taboo to not like women

Could we stop posting Leddit?

This sensationalist bullshit doesn't matter to me in the slightest.

That being said, I am a middle class white male and I feel trans but can't be arsed actually identifying as female because it doesn't seem worth the hassle, especially considering I'm well aware I'm about as far from passable as it gets -- so I might be biased on the issue.

Regardless, FreeBSD can eat GNU/Linux's pussy anyway. I felt that way before hearing this, and despite being biased to take this news in a positive light, I do still feel that way. What people see in the concept of an OS that comes in a single flavor maintained exclusively by a single development team is something I'll never understand.

No one treats body dysphoria by telling a sufferer yeah go ahead and get your limb amputated or yeah you really are obese and terrible looking

Why is gender dysphoria the total opposite?

Limbs are so useful that being without them can ruin a person's life, and you need a certain baseline of body weight to survive.
If you don't want kids or you're cool with adopting, you don't really need your private parts for anything but pissing.

Didn't you hear user?
cutting is not a fashon statement, all the cool kids do it.

getting a fake vagina is a super invasive surgery that has a million life threatening complications.

Doesn't really matter if it's cool or not, it's a human right.
Of course you can have sex change surgery, just like you can't hospitalize an anorexic person against her will if she's 18 or older. Death and mutilation are just a few of the many opportunities available to us in life, and though they may not be especially attractive to anyone sane, they are still precious freedoms which we must be afforded under any just governance.

If a grown man decides he would rather die than live a day longer as a man, and, in attempting to remove himself from maleness to the greatest extent medically possible, he therefore accepts the risk of death, that's all his decision.

how is that different than the limb thing?

It isn't. It isn't different from the anorexia thing either.

I'm not talking about denying the option to people, I'm talking about treatment. Why are those with gender dysphoria indulged and those with body dysphoria dissuaded?

WTF is she back into the project?

is it a uman right to let a schizophrenic choose whether they want to take they're meds or not?
Could it not be argued that if one is willing to harm their body and mind for the sake of an unhealthy fixation on what they perceive the opposite sex to be like, that they are not capable of making their own descisions?

Far too often i see post-surg trannies who regret having ever though it was a good idea, becase the dysphoria was not cured by the mutilation (the vast majority of the time). Some of my peers agree that this is likely just a form of body-dysphoria whereby the individual rejects their body, not unlike otherkin and therians.

Fucking mentors scum of the earth

because its politically convenient.

>Why is gender dysphoria the total opposite?
Because we're normalizing it instead of treating it as a mental illness.

Eh, who knows. Probably has something to do with toxic masculinity culture. Maybe the movement to encourage transgender folk to seek operations rather than psychiatric help is a misguided and dangerous attempt to rebel against the toxic masculinity ingrained in our culture.
When I talk about "toxic masculinity," it's a bit of a misnomer. I use that term because it's the term commonly used for the phenomenon, but it's actually not the masculinity itself that's toxic, since the gendered traits and sensibilities of a person are unconditionally okay and acceptable. Rather, it's the *attitude* around masculinity that's toxic. It's treated as a medal of honor, a valid criterion for judgement of character, a mandatory quality of all men such that those lacking are deemed worthy of ridicule and contempt, a "leg up" from femaleness and femininity. These attitudes once served to oppress women, but now that those days are over, there's room to identify the sobering reality that toxic masculinity is actually equally harmful to both sexes in different ways.
But yeah, encouraging people to lob off their dicks is the wrong way to go about solving that problem.

I understand where you're coming from, but capability to make decisions for oneself is not a binary. It's a spectrum, and it depends a great deal on context. For example, suppose a child with two loving and excellent parents wants to run away from home for some silly reason. It's fair to say he's unfit to make this decision for himself. Suppose this same child has two abusive parents instead, and wants to run away from home for some equally silly reason. Despite the silly reason, he is suddenly a great deal more fit to make that decision for himself. Why? For lack of a better fit deciding agent. For lack of any available sympathetic and trustworthy party who understands his condition better than himself. I would argue the same might SOMETIMES -- not always -- be said for trans folk.

>White women pretending they don't have the same amount of privilege as white men.

you have to go back

White women use take care minories as excuse.

>Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP), is a condition where a caregiver or spouse fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems in those who are in their care, with the primary motive of gaining attention or sympathy from others

>trans folk
want to know how i know you're a lefty?

getting real /leftypol/ in here.
Why is it that commies and other lefty scum try to escape the inevitable result of their bullshit, only to try and spread it in other places? are they a cancer?

want to know if i give a shit if you know i'm a lefty?
oh wait, you can plainly see from the fact that i just openly admitted it, that i don't.

>toxic masculinity culture
holy shit!
you actually buy this tabula-rasa bs?

I'm a liberal black man. I'm just tired of white women acting going WOE IS ME when they have it second best. When a company starts hiring women for whatever reason guess who is getting those jobs: White women. White women get away with so much.

I'm aware.

I don't understand what you're claiming I'm trying to escape.
Regardless, I go where I please and I say what I please. Call it cancer if you want, it's still my right.

Thanks for being honest soy-boy.
Now go be a special little snowflake on your designated website >>>/tumblr/

It's true though. But, like I said, it's not the masculinity that's toxic, it's the way it's understood as an emblem of power and a medal of honor, to the exclusion of other gender expression.

Why would I not be honest? Are you saying leftism is something I should hide? Because it's not; it's simply the truth.
Also, tumblr is a leftist shithole.

>I'm a liberal black man.
you mean a tool?

just noting how commies and socialists in general flee the hell-hole they create only to try spreading it in the next place they visit.
Now go eat your soy like a good little boy, and get in your comfy justice-warrior pj's with [insert old nes game here] t-shirt, its time for you to be a loser somewhere else.

>Are you saying leftism is something I should hide?
> it's simply the truth.
>Also, tumblr is a leftist shithole.

>tumblr is the younger generation of leftist retards
>pol/r the donald is the younger generation of rightist retards
One retardation feeds into another brand of retardation forming an infinite loop of retardation

>flee the hell-hole they create
What hell-hole though? I haven't fled anywhere, all I've done is visit places. So I still don't understand what you're talking about.

Also, regarding visiting places, you have no sway over my pattern in doing so, and I'll stay here as long as I like.

Not really. There's nothing dissonant about being a leftist and also capable of acknowledging the existence of leftist shitholes. Just like there's nothing dissonant about sane republicans looking down on Trump shitters.

>it's the way it's understood as an emblem of power and a medal of honor
because it requires Discipline, Honesty, Strength, Valour, Tanacity, Will, and other virtues, which is worthy of respect.
God doesn't give you muscles so that you can cut them off, and God makes no mistakes.
>inb4- hurr durr intersex
0.00125% doesn't represent jack shit fegit.