Why is this language so fucking backwards, is there any resource (book...

why is this language so fucking backwards, is there any resource (book, videos) that will make me understand it or should I just ditch it for rust and become a tranny?
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If your brain was wired to go backwards, things going forward would look backward.

because it's low level ? (close to hardware)
because it's old?
because it's based on C?

Not an excuse/argument. Look at fortran for example.

Youre like a kid who complains calculus is hard. Its hilarious. Just stick to webdev.

are we processing time or does it move on it's own as we see it

the fuck did you even want to say with that, go away c++ ISO committee member

There is no 'time'

alot of workarounds are created for the flaws of c++

for example, the address sanitizer: clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html

and as for learning a language: get a basic tutorial with the newest standard in mind and just write more code, read modern code from good developers and so on.

The standard committee is incompetent.

Fuck man....


Try the sololearn app

>manual memory management is a flaw

this is terrible advice, C++ isn't like other languages where updates changes some syntax rules, every new C++ iteration adds a shitton of features that you won't understand unless you know the basics of the language

start with C, once you understand it then move on to C++

Because you're trying to learn C++03 in 2018.

I like how they want to put Cairo into the standard library.

Useless junk. Where is my modules and static reflection?

That's a question you should ask them, in particular since both Cairo - as to be expected of a GNOME project - is fucked (people.gnome.org/~federico/blog/helping-cairo.html) and Skia - as to be expected of a Google project - as well.

You're a brainlet. Try harder to understand it. You most likely suffer from brain fog and don't even know it. It's pretty common and also easily treatable. Vitamin C, vitamin B12, ginkgo biloba, and kelp. Eat plenty of salmon and eggs. Work out a lot. Then try again


I agree people complain about how hard it is but at least theres no bullshit like scanner of buffer readers. People bitch because cin and out is apparently to complex and nobody should worry about garbage collection

What are you talking about now? Cairo or Skia.

Bjorn Stringsoup

Danska jävlar!

I hope person who designed the initialization syntax ended in asylums

Jörg Soupsoup

It didn't. It died.

What exactly is it you want to achieve by learning this ?. If you are a college retard, just fucking kill yourself.

C++ is hopeless.

>why is this language so fucking backwards
There are certain things that cannot be written without looking up the documentation, but the language is mostly sane.
>is there any resource (book, videos) that will make me understand it
Yes. But the problem is that C++ is a general purpose language that is meant to be used in specific domains.
So figure out what you want to learn and learn C++ in that context.
Reading a book will give you something, but you can't learn anything if you don't simultaneously use it.

Here is a few things you need to know in order to be able to write C++ that have nothing to do with C++:
Read compiler warnings / errors.
Understand and use debuggers / memory analyzers (usually gdb / valgrind).
Read documentation (usually doxygen).
Use build systems (usually cmake).
Know programming paradigms (usually functional and OOP)
Know common data structures and the related algorithms.

Basically, you need to learn programming in order to use C++.
All these things which are relevant to learn regardless of what language you use, is needed to use C++.

A lot of people ask the question whether C++ is a good first language (or if you need to learn it at all).
The answer will always be: Yes, if (and only if), you intend to learn programming.
If you intend to skip a few steps in order to pretend you know programming in a few months, you shouldn't use C++.

C++ has the potential to be fucking amazing if you learn it

You can't half-ass it though

What's wrong with Skia?

You don't "learn" C++, you merely experience it.

C++, especially in its later iterations, is rather high level. What you write is rarely a direct translation to an instruction in C++. With its standard library, inheritance and templating engine, there's a lot between code and hardware.
Even in C, when writing for operating systems, there are lots of safety nets and abstractions that are to keep you away from the hardware. Unless you're writing for a microcontroller or ring 0 operating system, most code is written for operating system calls, not hardware.

According to some faggot similar problems like with Cairo.
Also, being a Google thing it is damn near impossible to build and damn near impossible to integrate in your own stuff.

Bullshit. C++ is a monster of a language. Its motto is use only what you need.

I'm a monster who uses C++17 in ring0 kernel drivers.