Comcast Found ‘Accidentally’ Blocking Legitimate Sites — Including PayPal and Steam

but... Sup Forums told me this wouldn't happen...

Other urls found in this thread:

The good news is that these ‘Protected’ settings can be changed. The bad news is that Xfinity users may not know that.

hold me Sup Forums

This has nothing to do with NN though you double cuck nigger

Gotta push this bullshit some more, right? You motherfuckers are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one.

spotted the trump supporter

Digitalmusicnews sounds like a clickbait site.

Nice try Pajit AI

>rent comcast router like a moron
>too dumb to configure it
>blame drumpf
Top kek

do US ISPs typically hand out their WAN login info to the customer?
here they're kind of dicks about this, mostly

I haven't rented one from my ISP in a long time, but on the last one I had from them it was on a sticker on the device.

could you find a reputable news source i bet ur one of those trump retards who believe every news site that has truth in the name lmao blasted

How could it not be true if it has truth in the name?

I've never rented from them and have never had to use a WAN login so i dont know. When i bought my router i had to call them and read something off the sticker to get it hooked up

What a bullshit article, Net Neutrality != firewall on modem/router.

omg you actually have a CHOICE to rent a router?

Holy fuck, Danish ISPs are shittier than I thought. not only are you forced to rent the shit ISP router, they also lock your connection to their shit's MAC address for """"""support"""""" reasons.

the only time you can get to install your own shit is if you have a business subscriptiion which are only available if you have a registered business at home.

I just got my new fiber connection this week and discovered that the ISP blocks access to thier shit (which sits in MY FUCKING HOUSE) by not providing you with a login unless you ask them to.
I have to call them tomorrow because I can't set up MY shit and wait in line for at least 45 minutes.

at least they don't throttle certain sites (yet)

I see
pretty much same in Austria
here it's bundled together, so you can't not rent it
and when you try to use your own they claim shit like it would cause WAN instability and being unable to do maintenance or w e
what they do after some begging is putting the router into bridge mode

>misconfigured parental filter
>try to shoehorn in net neutrality propaganda

Nice "journalism". Fuck off.


Please use this archived copy. Don't give them a click. This is pure sensationalism.

This is a classic example of people pointing fingers at net neutrality for clicks. If a news article mentions net neutrality, it's gauranteed clicks. OP, did you even bother to read the support forum quote in the article?

>It described that protected rousing was great for you against malware and all kinds of other bad things, and it seemed like a good idea to turn it on. So I enabled it. That’s when my problem with PayPal began.

Always use the search function on ARCHIVE.IS before clicking an article. By clicking the article directly, you're rewarding them for creating misleading articles. Adblocking isn't enough to stop them from counting metrics. NEVER post a link directly to an article. Do not fuel the sensationalist jewish-run money printing machine.

I have Comcast and use my own modem but I know people who rent a modem from Comcast and the login credentials are printed on the side of the device.

both US cable ISPs I've had didn't have login information per se, it was tied to the MAC address of the cable modem. But if you wanted a different cable modem you could just call them up and say you wanted to change it. Both tried to rent me a cuck modem (a "home gateway" with shitty wireless-router functions built in) but neither protested when I told them I didn't want to do that and had my own equipment. They usually have a list somewhere on the website of compatible cable modems, and if you have any model that's on the list they'll let you use it.

was this actual network-level blocking or were they just fucking with the DNS? Because nobody should be using their ISP's DNS servers anyway.

Burgers getting kicked out of the internet. I say its great.

They're a private company and they're free to do what they want. When you sign up their services you agreed to that. There's nothing preventing you from launching your own ISP to compete with thm

Weird how sensationalism and lies have become such hallmarks of a "tolerant and progressive media".





Nothing? lulz if you believe that i've got a timeshare to sell you.

>There's nothing preventing you from launching your own ISP

Yeah nothing but the lawsuits of current providers suing for competition.

lol even Google has a lot of issues trying to do this


>they always beat me with reason
>dont care about muh feelings
>ha I will make fun of them
>I win
>every libtard demorat ever
>muh IQ is over 1000
>I watch rick and morty

No they don't.. They're even pulling out of places like Boston with Webpass.

There really isn't. We already have ISP's called "overbuilders" like WOW/Grande. It's just that ISP is a tough business with massive investment required and small ROI.

There's plenty my dude.
Local united states law has been completely bought off, there's no federal regulation, sure, and there's no state regulation, sure, but any lower than that you run into a fuckload of red tape.

I'm sorry NN has ended? Is it April already?

They wouldn't compete with PayPal. The issue with competing with them is that it's a straight up race to the bottom. That's why no same businessman would want to compete with them. It's not profitable to do so.
It's also the reason blocking them was probably just a mistake.