Which monkey are you using?

Which monkey are you using?

Other urls found in this thread:


your mom

OP eternally btfo

Op here, you really hurt my feelings with this post.


Does it matter?
They're the same.

For a while they weren't and some scripts work on one but not always on the other.
When FF made the quantum fuck VM was there for quantum users but shortly after GM also updated from xul to webextension.
tl;dr just use GM


Anything that isn't tampermonkey.

GM is shit now and has had problems with certain scripts after the rewrite
Tampermonkey is a literal botnet and you're fucking retarded if you use it
Violentmonkey werks fine

Y-you too..

I use tampermonkey

>Tampermonkey is a literal botnet

Keeps sending and recieving info and it is chrome tier.

Read their EULA

Where does it say that it does "botnet" things?

The fact that it has an eula alone should be enough to remove it.

Here is a cute monkey

greasemonkey is shit now go tampermonkey

Tried to use violentmonkey but it crashes a lot with cedtain extensions, so I went back to Tampermonkey.

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Why do people use this except for Sup Forums rice? I cant find any other use for it.

Y-yes master

I've made a few shitty scripts for myself.

It's pretty obselete since webextensions are basically the same thing as userscripts now.


greasemonkey. Has worked for me for years, I see no reason to switch.


But anything that isn't Tampermonkey or other proprietary shit is fine