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>-colors 256 +dither

took forever to read
i don't like your choice in font size and colors

try it

I know what indexed PNGs are and what dithering does.
I also know what lossless means.

Don't forget
>[Desktop] file
LOL do people really use their mouse to open up start menus and open programs in linux? Why are kids these days so afraid of using stackoverflow to write their own scripts, and why does everybody NEED a mouse and a fancy 3d GUI to get basic stuff done nowadays??

Javascript and CSS developers who who can't function without a mac and a touchpad: I'm looking at you guys. You guys are the reason young devs waste so much time these days.


>and what dithering does
+ is off
yes 255 colours is not 16 million colours, good for you you know so much but you obviously don't know how it works for screen shots


Ow my eyes.
btw could as well use a more specialized program for png optimization. They also support *real* lossless optimization

nobody is forcing you to use one

pngcrush? nope doesn't really work to reduce size enough|

>+ is off
I also know that. I also know what lossless means.


nobody is forcing me to use any part of this god damn awful script

>one simple command

good for you
so tell me does this look lossless to you

advpng -z -4 pang.png
optipng -o7 pong.png
pngcrush -reduce -brute in.png out.png
>in order of crushiness.


Losless doesn't mean
>it looks like the data is intact
It means
>The data is intact.

You obviously don't linux. Are you telling me that you don't make simple one or two command scripts for complicated commands like x11vnc? I use one single-line script called "./cb" to execute chromium browser with a custom nice setting.

feel to post a better term to convey the idea of same input output quality that would be instantly understood by anyone instead of being anal

i obviously do but unlike you im obviously not an autist


Indexed colors? Decent looking? Low quality but does the job?
Still better to be anal rather than be instantly misunderstood by anyone.

optipng -o7 optipng.png
** Processing: optipng.png
1142x739 pixels, 4x8 bits/pixel, RGB+alpha
Reducing image to 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 69072 bytes
Input file size = 69225 bytes

zc = 9 zm = 9 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 57326
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 57310

Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 57310

Output IDAT size = 57310 bytes (11762 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 57367 bytes (11858 bytes = 17.13% decrease)

du 'Downloads/Screenshot-2018-3-10 g - tips tricks - Technology - Sup Forums(1).png' optipng.png
68K Downloads/Screenshot-2018-3-10 g - tips tricks - Technology -
Sup Forums(1).png
60K optipng.png

pngcrush -reduce -brute 'Downloads/Screenshot-2018-3-10 g - tips tricks
- Technology - Sup Forums(1).png' pngcrush.png
Warning: versions are different between png.h and png.c
png.h version: 1.6.32
png.c version: 1.6.34

Recompressing IDAT chunks in Downloads/Screenshot-2018-3-10 g - tips tricks - Technology - Sup Forums(1).png to pngcrush.png
Total length of data found in critical chunks = 69225
Best pngcrush method = 7 (ws 15 fm 0 zl 9 zs 0) = 57383
CPU time decode 1.616944, encode 8.603736, other 0.119438, total 10.677778 sec


$ advpng -z -4 Pictures/Screenshot\ from\ 2018-03-09\ 17-08-59.png
637438 506312 79% Pictures/Screenshot from 2018-03-09 17-08-59.png
637438 506312 79%

$ advpng --help
advancecomp v1.20 by Andrea Mazzoleni,
Usage: advpng [options] [FILES...]

-l, --list List the content of the files
-z, --recompress Recompress the specified files
-0, --shrink-store Don't compress
-1, --shrink-fast Compress fast (zlib)
-2, --shrink-normal Compress normal (7z)
-3, --shrink-extra Compress extra (7z)
-4, --shrink-insane Compress extreme (zopfli)
-i N, --iter=N Compress iterations
-f, --force Force the new file also if it's bigger
-q, --quiet Don't print on the console
-h, --help Help of the program
-V, --version Version of the program


as you can see my previous post stands

Multipage TIFF:
convert -adjoin -page letter scan*.tiff big.tiff
That should combine multiple tiff files into a single file
-adjoin is on by default so you shouldn't actually need to specify it as part of the command

Handling really large images:
You can trade disk space for ram.....
convert mybigassimage.jpg mybigassimage.mpc
convert mybigassimage.mpc -resize 50% resized.jpg
convert mybigassimage.mpc -rotate 90 rotated.jpg
rm -f mybigassimage.mpc mybigassimage.cache
You has 2 files. You can werk imagemagick commands on the smaller one.
Files are you compatible with your current build of imagemagick, so not suitable for archiving.

just use jpg my men Fred's imagemagick scripts

This is literally a crude version of pngquant, which works quite well.

>Low quality
>text suffers no quality loss
look mang we were over this already , obviously [up to] 255 colours is not [technically] lossless but for the purpose of screen shots which the image is about it is. crucify me because i didn't put it in quotes


What's the matter, your computer too old to run multiple softwares at once? is a pretty effective online jpg squisher.

gimp save for web plugin
>png jpeg gif
>preview pane

I understand what you are getting at, but I think it's better if you restrict yourself to terms you understand, if you don't want to look ridiculous. "lossless" means a specific thing, and your suggestion is the exact opposite from that. It does not mean "high enough quality that you don't notice the difference"; there is a term for that, and it's called "lossy".

again feel free to replace it with another as simple to convey the idea, for the op

and there is no me in there so i don't care about ridiculous

Just use zopflipng and pngquant or pngnq.

y i just tested pngquant it's nice

364K pngq-f0.png
392K pngq-fdef.png
384K Screenshot-2018-3-10 g - tips tricks - Technology - Sup Forums(3).png
1.1M Downloads/Screenshot-2018-3-10 g - tips tricks - Technology - Sup Forums(3).png

You can reduce the number of colors quite a bit and still get good results. I usually go for less than 32 if it's just screenshot of text.

updated :3

wow amazing stuff thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i just use a shell with non-shit typeahead

convTAB does that

don't know if you're ironic but usually that would be a bash alias

