Why does the DIY community suck so much...

Why does the DIY community suck so much? The only thing they ever come up with is unpolished garbage that has no real use.

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you are just an useless faggot without any skill

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It's almost like high technology requires a substantial industrial base and complicated production lines.

Actually how difficult would making your own PCBs be? Same for casings etc?

You can buy printed PCB's online and you can order injection mold casings from china. I thought over every aspect of how to make it polished and you can easily get everything you need online for a few cents.

>put leds in clothes
im a real cyberpunk now
>attach a screen to a pi
whoa getting on another level here
>put motion sensor leds on my stairs
living in the wired now boys

Because most DIYers gravitate toward easier to create and modify rather than sleek and polished. It's the difference between an ugly but functional thing that you know how to use and how to modify to do whatever you want, and a sleek polished product with a preset function it does really well but you can't change it much at all short of making a new one from scratch.

People do this. PCBs you can etch using a kit but more often upload your design file to a website and pay a few bucks to have one made and mailed to you. Cases can be a DIY project on their own, but having a 3D printer makes it much easier. Or you can upload design files and pay to have them created and mailed to you.

not hard. I just use my 3d printer print out a layer, lay my wire in and print out a few more layers and lay wire down again with traces in the schematic for the print so it lifts up the nozzle
ofc my board is fatter than others but idc at all I just do headlamps and flash lights and shit

These things are easy to work with, easy to program, and don't require huge compute power. If you'd rather connect a raspi and webcam to roomba hardware, network it to your desktop with a powerful GPU, and train machine vision software to make a more intelligent robot vacuum instead, you can do that. It'll just be more work to do and definitely not a beginner project that someone would sell a kit for.

My project board for vacuum tube shit. AM Transmitter project I put together. I eventually housed it in it's own box - looks nice.

Since there literally is nothing like a "project board" for vacuum tubes as they usually require upwards of 300-600V operation I had to make due with a 120V Variac and set up a double-diode voltage doubler. The AM Transmitter worked at 120V though but it only has a 3 foot range.

I also restored a few antique radios.

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Make sexy modular project boxes so the unpolished shit looks pretty.

>> unpolished garbage
"Polish" is something you put on a piece of consumer electronics so normal people will want to buy it. DIY projects are almost always something you build yourself for yourself. It can look however you want.

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Just because you can make it as unpolished as you like doesn't mean you should. God forbid there was some kind of fault that board would be a nightmare to troubleshoot because it's a haphazard mess. Even assuming you HAD to point to point wire it there were better ways to lay it out and or condense the design, I guarantee. Seriously, channel your autism and design something clean and logically laid out and save yourself the headache later on. There's no excuse not to.

What's really sad is that the only thing that your parents could make together is a son who is unpolished garbage and has no real use.

>let's just conveniently ignore every hardware product that's ever originated as someone's DIY project somewhere

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>God forbid there was some kind of fault that board would be a nightmare to troubleshoot because it's a haphazard mess.
would it though?
define why

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Never become an engineer. Please.

surely eventually "earning" that title will be your life's biggest accomplishment, rather than something you engineer

Why don't you make something yourself then?

>Just because you can make it as unpolished as you like doesn't mean you should.
this is like the Sup Forums equivalent of complaining about people who work on children's cartoons for a living

Because it would be nonfunctional and look like shit, since he thinks DIY projects are shitty and nonfunctional.

Just some single or double sided stuff: doable.


>printed PCB
>printed printed circuit boards

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if they're not too complex, it's easy:

Why don't you come over to /diy/ and talk to us Buyfag.

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Rip in peace


Fuck soy mentality.

this was $2 + $9.96 shipping
Not really

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This might be a little harder to troubleshoot but it is usually easyer to repair

>10$ shipping
Has anyone tried those PCB services on Ali?

How long did you wait for this?
I usually finish projects of that complexity within a day.

Because the diy community is full of amateurs who like to pretend they know what they're doing. Also you don't make "polished" prototypes because they're just that, prototypes. Once the circuit is tested and good to go (at least real engineers do so) a PCB is designed and produces: that's what you'd probably consider as polished prototype.

I haven't tried ali but I got pretty nice results with allpcb, they have free shipping.
I waited 3 days but they say 3-5 days

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Just start on your next project while you're waiting for the PCB to come.

This and I usually start with a prototype in one of those prototyping boards and I usually only order pcb's if I want to turn it into a more polished project or when I want to use surface mount parts

They just seem to include the shipping price into the PCB price.
3-5 days international shipping will cost a significant amount.

What exactly do you want them to build? There are only so many devices that can be constructed from off-the-shelf components that are actually useful to normies, and the market is already saturated with emulation boxes.

Buyfags who got butt blasted and banned from /DIY/. Seriously, when you call us out, we come out and completely
shut you down so come over to the board, you won't

Sure but they still seem to deliver the lowest total price compared to jlcpcb and pcbway, they just don't have a "really cheap if you keep your requirements under a certain point" price

Have you looked at electronics forums? Full of brilliant autistics who can't communicate with each-other so end up going it alone.

The products you see in everyday life are that way because a team was behind them.

Because DIY's goal isn't a polished product, it's something that its maker wants that isn't available as an existing product. Usually it's a pretty niche want, frequently something very specific to their needs. Sometimes what they want does exist as an existing product, but they just want something they built themselves for whatever reason.

>complaining about lack of polish
>in a prototype
you've clearly never in your life made anything

so thats why everyting is so shit.

Just wondering if there are even cheaper options.
Chinks are able to ship you small light shit for pennies if you're willing to wait a month.
And quoted PCB prices, for simple boards excluding shipping, are usually something like 2$.

Yes, there is usually an alpha-autist who can just about manage and that's what inspires so many others to have a go.

I used to be one of them and I came to realize that the forums are just alpha-autist dick sucking contests, you'll need to pleasure them to extract anything constructive from them.

I was reffering to products.
You know, the ones Sup Forums will never sto complaining about

But just look at what Sup Forums are capable of when they put their collective noggins together.

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i would unironically like a phone with a thick acrylic panel on the front (not slapped on like that pic, but as the whole front)

diy phones are aesthetic

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Jokes on you, I'm a electronic engineer. What about you amateur who watched a little of Afrotechmods and thinks he's one too?

I've seen people getting that degree without ever touching a soldering iron. It means nothing besides that you were able to afford it.

Well good for you, but it's not really reasonable to expect professional-level work from every hobbyist who builds something.

So what? Hobbyists build something because they have fun building it. It's not really about the final product.

That's... exactly what I'm saying.

>It's not really about the final product
There are simulators if you wanna have fun, otherwise anything real means you are interested in the final product.

Looks like an 80's prop.

That's not the same at all.

Do something useful then

thats very cool

because there's only a limited amount of what you can do when you're not a corp with funds

>Why does the DIY community suck so much?
It doesn't suck.
> The only thing they ever come up with is unpolished garbage that has no real use.
Because it is made for fun.
Stuff, that will be used often will be polished at some point. Also chinks now can print PCBs for dirt cheap, and you shouldn't iron the copper-plated fibreglass board...

>Because the diy community is full of amateurs who like to pretend they know what they're doing.

Holy fuck you hit the nail on the head. Guy at work is a big DIY proponent and runs one of the two makerspaces in town. He knows jack shit about anything but since he assembles kits, morons think he's intelligent.

As a day job, he's an electrical engineer and blows things up on a daily basis. He's been downgraded to working on the simplest stuff, which he still fucks up.

The phrase DIY triggers the fuck out of me.

weekend warrior here.

busy /diy/ing and fucking your missus with my six foot cock

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