What's the thing that the fan is attached to called?

What's the thing that the fan is attached to called?

Attached: 1504086785124.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

Other urls found in this thread:


DIY pci expansion slot fan


PCI fan fingerboxes are the best

That looks retarded airflow wise.

>What's the thing that the fan is attached to called?

A piece of plastic.


Why is it beige and shit brown?

It's a piece of plastic you fucking faggot. Not everything is a product, jesus christ

A random piece of foam board cut to size and attached to a scrap PCI bracket

HBA/RAID cards generally require 200 LFM of airflow or they overheat. Modern LSI 3108s are dual core PowerPCs from whatever series apple used in the G4. They're generally intended to be put in servers. My Areca 1883ix requires this even with the blower included with it. It requires the blower just because of how stupid hot the SAS expander chip gets.

Attached: Areca 1883ix-24.png (1170x576, 702K)

PCI plastic fan mount, card, or slot

Designated acrylic support

Isn't hardware RAID considered kinda retarded nowadays? CPUs are so fast there's no real reason to have a standalone card for the job, unless you really have a lot of spare money.

literally this

u might want to get ur poop checked out my mane

Attached: IMG_2020.jpg (634x596, 101K)


ever ran out of SATA ports or used SAS drives?


That's a computer you dumb shit.

A piece of plastic which the 80mm fan is attached to is not a computer, you fucking illiterate Sup Forumstard.



the motor the fan is connected to is not a piece of plastic, you retard

what the fuck are you even talking about, you literal Sup Forumstard? the fan is attached to a pci expansion slot

do you have aspergers?

ITT: Sup Forums can't fucking use image search.
It is in fact a Noctua CPU cooler rigged to provide extra airflow to a Dell RAID controller which would be prone to overheating otherwise. As you can clearly see, it's not attached or plugged into the PCI slot at all.

not even the plastic is attached to the pci slot, it's hanging entirely off of the expansion slot bracket

yet, according to you, the plastic is somehow a computer

go back to africa

you seem confused

says the retard calling a piece of plastic that's attached to the fan a "computer"

sagging piece of plastic made by a retard who doesn't understand airflow

it does work

its called Noctua fan rape. What a waste of a good fan.

If you're looking for a product, there isn't. Otherwise, just a mount or a shroud