Besides piracy shenanigans...

Besides piracy shenanigans, would a video game console with a open source OS have any advantages compared to other consoles?

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Well, yes

I would assume Indie titles would be more abundant compared to close sourced console OS's
And this

Lunduke pls

go back to playing tux racer faggot

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Harder to profit off paid online plans and a lack of monopoly on game distribution/manufacturing pretty much means it will not happen.

ps2 ran freebsd, what exactly is your definition of an "open source os" ?

If someone made an indie sort of start up thing it might have some potential if the price was right... but it would probably be just some small form factor PC and at that point the price compared to a pc of similar specs would completely defeat the purpose

There was Ouya, and it ultimately failed

Use it as a computer.

Consoles became full blown cheap computers this generation. Some open source OS would allow them to be used as what they actually are on a hardware level.

To be fair it makes me a little bit sad. I remember the times where having both a PC and a console was worth it. Where there was an actual difference between both kinds of platforms.

>price was right

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Jive turkeys out

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I shiggy diggy

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eternal support

Isn't Atari more known for their computers in the 80s than the 70s?

Pffffft. Does it look like anyone cares?

Yes, but I'm saying that Atari were more well known at the time for the ST or even their 8-bit line. Maybe since they started shitting out Flashback toys they are more known for old software with kids.

We're all on Sup Forums secretly
Just admit it already

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It wouldn't be a secret if we admit it.

>Developers would be able to come up with their own debugging solution (as well as their choice any potential peripherals necessary to do so) rather than being forced to use whatever the manufacturer provides.
>Any peripheral (controller, headset, et al.) would have a better chance of working without bullshit.
>Emulators of such a console would pop up near instantly. (Advantage for consumers, not for producers.)

>Open Source OS
>Not Free Software OS

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In what way does open source = game piracy. Youre retarded

Ps3 was an amazing compute pc back in the day.
Thats it, none of the others benefit or have benefitted.
On that note the ps4 runs bsd