He wrote Penny Dreadfuls at 16

>He wrote Penny Dreadfuls at 16
>He wrote FloriDada at 36
Did AnCo hold Avey back?

no, his solo stuff is absolute garbage. somewhere during the early days he managed to lose his creative energy to Panda in some sort of weird parasitic ritual that left him a literal LE LE LE LE LE while making Panda the Brian Wilson of his generation

But everything that Panda has done besides Person Pitch and MPP has been horrible. Did he proceed to transfer Avey's powers to Deak somehow?


Kek do you actually think Panda's solo stuff besides Peraon Pitch is better than Avey's
Down There is leagues better than Tomboy and Slasher Flicks is all the good parts of PW and Centipede Hz combined.

The last truly amazing thing he did was the songwriting on Feels, which was essentially an Avey/Deakin record. Actually, Pullhair Rubeye was also a fantastic record, but they ruined it by playing it backwards.

Yeah, Enter the Slasher House was basically Centipede Hz done right.

Panda and Geologist played a fairly decent role in Feels, though not to the extent Avey and Deakin did.

Fuck off Noah

literally can't find anybody that likes Slasher Flicks but its honestly the best shit ever. Dat dark jazzy segment in That It Won't Grow is one the coolest things he's ever done

Avey puts his best material on the AnCo albums you faggot

>all this triggering of AnCo "fans" who have only listened to the band since 2012

I've said it before, but Hz is not bad. The first five songs, New Town Burnout, and Amanita are all great.

I like Slasher Flicks, but it didn't completely click until Halloween 2014. It suffers from the same thing that Centipede Hz did, which is a lack of breathing space, but at least it seems to come from a much more positive headspace.

i dont get it are you saying floridada is a bad song?

>I've said it before, but Hz is not bad.
It is bad. The songwriting is audibly forced, and sounds phony and plastic. They sound so rigid, stressed, and uninspired. I know New Town Burnout and Amanita get cited as the good songs on Centipede Hz, but even those songs sound poorly written and underdeveloped. New Town Burnout starts out sounding like it's going to be cool, but then just goes around in meaningless circles with no interesting progression whatsoever, and the lyrics are just so "whatever." It sounds like it really wants to be a great song, but the effect just isn't there. The same goes for Amanita. It sounds like they were really straining for a "great closing track," but it just sounds like they're trying so hard, and it completely lacks the effortlessness of their best closing tracks.

I think AnCo were very childish and creative when they did spych, I don't think they do drugs, or maybe weed only, they lost they creativity and childish feel when they grew up, they are pretty much finished now

No, I like to feel retarded when I listen to music.

Plastic makes sense, but the only track that sounds phony or "forced" is Father Time.

The music absolutely fits the bulk of the lyrics. Rigidity and stress were pretty much the point of the album.

Protip: Wide Eyed was at least five years old before it was recorded for CHz.

literally fucking who?

All of them did acid until around 2007, Avey and Deakin still do, and Panda is pretty open about how much ganja he smokes.

I'm fairly certain some of them actually tried heroin around 2002.

>they grew up

And so did the content of their music. CHz is pretty plainly from an adult's perspective, with all the stress that comes with it.

wow you got it right

just because you did doesn't mean others did

they were big on music forums in the mid 2000s and they were practically mainstream after MPP

how do you say Avey

drugs fried his brain over the years
it is desu

I think what mainly hurt Avey was his drinking, which became pretty heavy between 2010 and 2014.

I would put panda at like 15 or 20 on feels. Otherwise pretty accurate.

like davey

The drumming in many of the songs is fairly extensive. Purple Bottle benefits immensely from it.

Yeah but when successful musicians do it its cool

I don't know if I agree with the Campfire Songs one. It sounds a lot like Young Prayer so think Panda should be higher because that means he probably had more to do with it

I'd add more panda/less avey for Campfire Songs, considering that album is very similair to Young Prayer.

A lot less Deak for Here Comes the Indian, even most of the guitar on that album is Avey.

ur a funny dude I'd probably be friends with u
