How do I get a job at a record store?

How do I get a job at a record store?

You need 3 years experience selling records and a MS in audio engineering.

you need friends that work there and a realistic expectation of what you'll be doing, i.e. menial retail work, no different from working at a hardware store

you walk in and ask for a job?????????????



Being a loyal customer. It's all networking bull.



you get a time machine and then go back to 1992

is that an upbroat?

Have retail experience, ideally know someone working there, hand in your resume


Dunno what this means but ty

How do I get a job at Trips Got Damn

you need the lord in you my child... god is nockin at ur door mate

Being at the right place at the right time. Most are relatively small and it's really low odds of actually getting a job there if they don't know you well or if you're an autistic kid who's stupid enough to not be able to figure out what it takes to get a job at a place like that. It's all who you know.

>Being a loyal customer.

I've been shopping at HMV for almost 3 years. You think that's enough?


Not relevant but that episode was scary as fuck

First, deny any taste for Rap, its a shitty genre for the plebs

Gave me nightmares as a kid

Trips confirm the truth. Two of my friends got jobs at record stores after being long time customers and neither of them had any retail experience. It probably also helped that they spent thousands annually at their stores.