ITT: Talentless Hacks


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He's not pointing at us...

But I mean, I don't think it counts if Rollins has spent his entire career admitting he had zero part in Black Flag's sound.


even so, the early rollins band albums are pretty great

End of silence is pure kino

I like Rollons a lot desu

Anyway, pic related

I always forget the sound of Rollins band and just remember the vocals

The band itself is groovy as fuck and has this whole jazz thing going on. Their instrumentals are criminally underrated

I'm stoked when Dennis yells "oh yeah!" during a distorted bass breakdown on TSOPTC, it's a subtle shout out to Rollins band. I think it's in refused are fucking dead but it might be a different song

His whole message is self empowerment and being hard working and truthfull, I don't know why he triggers people so hard

balanced out by his obnoxious opinions about electronic music in comparison to REEL RAWK

don't be fooled by his faux-humble bullshit, all he learnt to do was put on that mask, he's still an arrogant dumbass to the very core and his standup cements that


b-but most electronic music IS shit.


Anyone who hasn't seen the video this is from needs to right now, it's the right level of hilarious, cringey and pretentious that this board eats up

>the most overrated fighter ever

I mean, I'm not saying I like the guy. He's a tool. But I don't think calling him a hack is much of a putdown when he himself seems very aware of that fact.

It says a lot that his advice to people who ask him isn't "passion" or "believe in yourself" but just "Work 'cause else you will starve".

The real answer is Anderson "no takedown defense" Silva

Holy shit, he's so fucking insecure. He hears people laughing and thinks, "They're laughing at me 'cause I'm old." He clearly has a hangup and is insecure about his age. He just completely fucking bullied those kids.

He's generally insecure. He once bullied a teenager doing an interview for a fanzine.

>He just completely fucking bullied those kids.
wouldn't be the first time lel let us not forget

In that interview, why didn't that kid stand up for himself? You think there'd be a point where you'd be like, "Enough." He just took it.

Holy shit the comments are so fucking cringey

He's a kid, what do you expect against someone older and bigger size than him. He doesn't have the experience yet.

He was young, thin and most likely a fan.
Rollins was old enough to be "an adult", muscular and that kid's object of admiration giving him authority.

The kid did try to bounce back, but he just couldn't assert himself.

Good lord his ego was even more off the charts back then, this is infuriating, the irony of his saying the kid is trying to leech off him and tread all over him is astounding

They mocked him by saying "Get In The Van"

but yeah he's a no talent manchild

absolute top tier cringe. the kid literally just wants to interview them and he somehow feels threatened enough that he has to prove his superiority

I kind of agree. The cringiest part is when his bandmate or whoever the fuck that is on the sidelines starts chiming in on Rollins side. Two grown men acting like dipshits to a pre-internet music lover. That kid had some balls on him.

Rollins is the will smith of america's vile hipsterpunk.

This comment summarizes what was basically going on in there.

>They mocked him by saying "Get In The Van"
How is that mocking him? She was just trying to be funny and catch his attention with a cheeky reference.

What isn't a talentless sellout nowadays or for the most part, any popular music? They're all also always selling extra stuff they're total shite at. All 'have to' endless promoing. I agree with zappa, once you had bowie, it was all sellouts, where it was already 99.9% them fucks.

Rollins' behavior is bad enough in general in this video. But what makes it really cringe worthy is that the whole reason he's being a dick is because he's trying to take an "anti-punk rock attitude" stance but this kid doesn't seem to be anywhere near a sort of dumbass punk rock wannabe aside from having short hair.

If you're that age and care enough about an artist to fucking interview them after a show you're obviously not some dick head meat headed fan.

I tried to find the video, but I failed. Henry Rollins appeared on a special edition of Dennis Miller Live, either during a Presidential Election Special or something similar. Dennis liked him, so he made sure that Henry was on the show. The only problem was that Dennis had also invited other people, quick witted smart people, that were used to being on live tv talking about politics. Dennis made the mistake of thinking that Henry Rollins as a commentary act was as clever as Henry Rollins in person. Anyway, he bombed horrifically.

There's no excuse later on. But by this point Rollins was like 23. He was at the same age douche boys at frat parties still use phrases like "crushing that puss" so it's understandable he'd be a twat by then.

I'm not a fan, but I have to admit that he's articulate, charismatic, and a quite the anecdote-teller. Those are skills. Talent is nothing to me.

Did you guys never have friends with father-issues? It often results in a Macho Glass Cannon. And some really weird friendship dynamics.

What's the excuse for this then?

This is some top entertainment right here. Holy shit, poor kid.
Rollins is like some headmeat jock here, reminds me of a Revenge of the Nerds movie or something.

I don't know what you're letting yourself get away with but if you're 23 and you carry yourself like Rollins does in that video you are a gold-plated bonafide top-tier asshole, no questions asked.

>There's no excuse later on
>What's the excuse for this [thing that happened later on?]

>they're people defending Henry in the comments

I've never heard any of his music except Liar but I listened to his spoken word CDs forever ago and they were mildly entertaining.