Friendly reminder that Facebook also owns Whatsapp and Instagram

Just in the remote case someone even forgot about this...

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Who cares and who use Instagram or whatsapp?

in europe basically everybody uses whatsapp. The probability of a random stranger on the street having the app installed is about 95% or higher.

Reminder everything on here is traceable even if you use Linux and vpn etc,

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this is not an excuse to don't delete the FB spyware.

Pretty sure they own Plex Media Server, too.

>tfw deleted whatsapp from my phone
>told people to use xmpp or fuck off
>5 people couldn't be assed
>rest now uses conversations
Feels good not to be part of the botnet

By far the most popular social network for kids and teens right now.

Second most used messenger in the entire world.

Yeah and at the same time
Most cancerous antisocial network right now, literally rotting your brain while you use it
Data is harvested by the world biggest spying company

I laugh at people who use any of them

Reminder that you're not even sure what you're trying to say.

>in europe basically everybody uses whatsapp.
In France literally nobody even know that WhatsApp is


what outcast retard

Smart people and a shitload of people.

I'm with friends, I just asked them, and only one tried WhatsApp once

>this really small amount of data proves no one in France knows what whats-app is

ah the french

The French have a way of staying inside their own bubble. I'm pretty sure a large amount of you barely even visit sites that aren't French or have an option to display in french.


Friendly reminder that if you use the internet and live in a NATO, Russia-allied, ANY Middle Eastern, Sinosphere, or Anglosphere country, then you are being tracked by your government. Your only "solution" to this is using Tor, but then you literally black-list yourself and make the government even more suspicious about you. Facebook is nothing worse than the government.

How did you come to this conclusion lol

Well, in my lycée, nobody was using it, same in my university and everyone else I know.
It's mostly Facebook messenger here.
Maybe is right.

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>Had to create a Facebook account for school related stuff.
>Have to use WhatsApp due to family and co-workers.

Hell, my mom doesn't know how to make a real telephone call nowadays.

how wonderful two things I will never ever use are botnets
like I didn't know that already
tell me something interesting
like the best place to punch cuckerbergs ratfink jew face