What's the best Python editor? I was told by this board to use Pandas, but by a tutorial to use Komodo

What's the best Python editor? I was told by this board to use Pandas, but by a tutorial to use Komodo.

Is there any big difference other than preference between Python editors?

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Personally I use gedit. Jupyter notebooks are ok too, but debugging them is a pain


Use Spyder its like matlab!

If Jupyter is usable for your problem, then it is probably the easiest way of doing it.

If you use it for scientific computing (which I hope you are, considering where you posted this) Spyder is perfect.

emacs and orgmode for extra literacy
Anything else is brainlet-tier.

Attached: 100witten.jpg (260x320, 22K)

pencil and paper is the only way to go

The default one, idle, can get the job done.
Emacs or vscode with pylint is good for larger projects.
The ultimate killer is PyCharm but it is written in java so you should have a powerful machine.

>not vi


I can have only contempt for the likes of you.
I started in Emacs, switched to Sublime, Atom, VS code, then finally (neo)vim and you know what?
Emacs still beats all of these fuckers, and would continue to do so if the only fucking thing the program had was org-mode.

I still use vim btw, I just realize that Emacs is the superior piece of software here. Even if vim is slightly better than emacs at editing text (then there's evil mode... but I digress), the capabilities of emacs turns it into such a powerhouse that not using it simply means that you are gimping yourself.

But sure if you just wanna write code instead of commanding the computer, be my guest.

vim is the best for every language hands down, stop asking this retarded questions just because youre too much of a brainlet to memorize 5 keybinds and apply them creatively

Justin I think you forgot to edit your name out of the screenshot

Use Zext. You don't need all that bullshit to edit text.

>I only use text editors if they're bloaty piles of shit
Try nano. Rejoice at how little you have to do to type some shit and save the file. Try Zext. Rejoice at the fact that everything does what it's supposed to do. Elevate yourself. You are dismissed.

Spyder my dude (don't use it to run your code, it's shit for that) but I also use komodo and notepad++ sometimes. The best feature of notepad++ is that syntax highlight is highly customizable, which is nice if you end up creating your own library

Hell yes my dudes. Spyder is probably the best editor I've used so far.

Attached: meinigga.jpg (600x450, 30K)

Jupyter/IPython for something Maple/Mathematica like
Spyder for something matlab like
Visual Studio if you already have it installed
Notepad++/Visual Studio Code otherwise


>that theme
>that monospaced font
good god
is that the default OSX or did you fuck that up yourself?

Spyder or PyCharm

I tend to use either vim or emacs with evil mode, depending on what I want to do. Back when I was more into lisp & clojure, I used emacs. Now I'm mostly into Vim. Getting a US layout keyboard made Vim much more palatable.

The main thing I like about Vim over emacs is that it is noticeably more lightweight, and because of Syntastic being awesome.

>Rejoice at how little you have to do to type some shit and save the file.
>implying saving and opening files is harder in emacs than other text editors

brainlet detected


This. Pycharm is the winner by far though. I work on very large enterprise group projects and it is the best tool for tackling everything at once. Cant beat that VCS integration too.