What the fuck is going on with Youtube?

What the fuck is going on with Youtube?

Attached: what.jpg (2531x1135, 569K)

i hacked it

It's based in San Francisco.

It's run by a bunch of left-wing nutjobs

Attached: cucks.png (1112x547, 48K)

some intern put a ; in the wrong place

I got the same thing, before I got it. It had resubscribed to me 5 channels that I've since unsubbed from in past. It resubbed me to Moviebob I haven't watched anything he's made in over a year.

That shouldn't get past automated testing.

>some intern
I think you mean some yellow scaled wingless dragonkin.

Attached: google yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin.jpg (649x286, 54K)

OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu We made a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this!


have you just been text searching for google-related threads all day for a chance to dump this?

I literally saw it on hackernews 20 minutes ago

its so fucking great to be alve

Not really, but it's funny you're taking umbrage at people pointing out one of the world's largest tech firms is run by overgrown and delusional children.

>TFW no qt expansive ornate building GF

Attached: 1471739359675.jpg (640x480, 50K)

This. I'm so sick of the coddling babytalk that today's UX has become.

Attached: b6665a265bf4becf1f736f69bd3e1c1b56db789ec8ab3ab005bb04943d249d7a.png (830x546, 271K)


What timeline are we in? Darkest timeline? I love it

yahoo (whoop de fucking do) down
youtube partially down
half of damn near every other site down

can it be le anonymoose haxxing his way to the top of the 1338 game?

Something went wrong, but we’ve sent our magical internet elves to fix it. Please try again later.

reconfiguration of user data mining processes after recent events at facebook came to light

Most likely.

I tried to look at Lauren Southern's videos and YT says her channel doesn't exist lmao

working fine for me

Attached: temp.jpg (877x576, 81K)

panjeet devs haven't added new unit tests because they don't know what that is.

I would say something about the blatant disrespect for their "developers" but they are web "developers" so they dont deserve any to begin with.

Don't know. I got subbed back to 4 channels that I unsubscribed from years ago.

Need assistance with a school project. Basically requiring us to come up with a tech startup and creating a business model. Any advice or ideas?



Most corporations are run by adults, yes.

>expansive ornate building
Fat chick with tattoos. Got it.

Mate, left wing nutjobs are nothing close to adults. That's not a controversial statement these days either.

>responsible policies
>"nothing close to adults"

>left wing nutjobs
>responsible policies

Attached: 1517056752833.jpg (560x575, 52K)

>that hashed ip address
Brb haxxoring you

They literally call their team code monkeys

congrats OP your IP address and google account email address is encoded in that blob of text

Dude it matches your mom’s address I wonder why that is

>He thinks its a joke
If only you knew how bad things are

google search results page mines butcoin btw if you hadn't noticed

>something happened

Sounds sensible...

They fucked up. I was resubscribed to channels I unsubscribed years ago and after removing them they won't fucking dissapear from my subscription page.

You'd rather expose that it's a database error or some server processing error? The ultimate state of Sup Forums