Sup Forums What's the best way to learn bash?

Sup Forums What's the best way to learn bash?

Attached: ika-musume-arch-linux-169.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

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sudo pacman -R linux

Use bash [sage]

sudo rm -r / && echo 'OP is a giant fag'

>Verry funny but seriously tho how do i learn bash?

Find something you want to do with bash and learn how to do it.

That's not how quoting works, kiddo. How about you read the user manual?

Install lemonbar and build your own scripts for it. Look up how others did it on Github. Teaches you a lot.

collecting linux themed anime pictures is not a good start

Use your brain OS's package manager and install bash knowledge. If you're a poorfag, and you probably are since you're asking about this, then your best bet is to get it off of public torrents which is risky as fuck, cause there are viruses your AV can't detect. If you're lucky, you might get an invite to private brain software trackers. But you gotta get jacked into the cyber city mainframes from your town's dumb terminal, and I know most of then have it blocked. Try wardriving and hijack someone's residential line, but again, that requires some equipment and certain knowledge. Cause nowadays home links come with anti-jack measures, they let you stay on the line while they call the fucking scrogs. You think you're safe, but yu got some greasy scrog tracing your uplink and if he's good, he can get some tracer packets into your stream, infect whoever is linked to you. Just get a job at a silicon plant and mine silicon for a couple of months. Yeah the dust is fucked, but just wrap up good. In a few months you'll earn enough to get what you want.
If you need something easier, then

info bash

Is this pasta fresh or copied?

man bash


This. I learned a lot of Bash while working on my Arch install script. Then I installed Gentoo, but so it goes.

sudo pacman -R bash && sudo pacman -S zsh

use it

I learned bash by creating a generic frontend to ffmpeg with many options, support for multiple paths, loops and error handling, a gui with zenity and similar and good practices like raising errors on initialized variables, etc

After that I become pretty good in shell scripting and after that I learned even more. Of course I'm still unemployed

some other useful books:
>Beginning Portable Shell Scripting
>Classic Shell Scripting
>Wicked Cool Shell Scripts
>The Linux Command Line
>A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming GOAT guide

Also check out for reference