How can we make technology advance a shit ton faster then right now?

how can we make technology advance a shit ton faster then right now?

its slow af right now.

intel, nvidia, apple, none of them care they just think about the worthless USD and how to sell the same shit over and over again.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Technology is advanced enough, we just underutilize it to a criminal degree.

More power for companies!

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg (1000x800, 91K)

More of the kawaii loli OP desu


moar taxes

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

I bet that half of Sup Forums is underage b8 sense its now almost identical to Reddit.

I barely can keep up with all the shit that's going on in the industrial sector.

See Law of diminishing returns

Developers' laziness will always grow to meet any increase in processing power and memory.

Processors have been getting faster and faster for as long as I can remember, and shit never runs any faster. Bloat will always keep up with hardware.

Stop buying shit until they make something you like. If more people did that, companies would be forced to innovate to stay in business. iPad sales are already declining because no one wants to buy the same product again and again. Why would you buy a new iPad that's just barely "better" than the one you bought last year? It's still the exact same thing.

>sense its now almost identical to Reddit.
I'll take your word for that; you sound like you'd know.

>fakes Sup Forums on screen
>doesn't touch reflection

low effort faggot

It's a variant of Parkinson's Law which originally said that Work expands to fill the Time available.
The latency of PCs has been increasing since the '70s.

Attached: Latency.png (386x545, 129K)

that's not Sup Forums you newfag

is this what child predators beat off to?

>Processors have been getting faster and faster for as long as I can remember, and shit never runs any faster.
Makes me so mad. My Win XP era machine is just as responsive as my new PC. Might just install FreeDOS and be a luddite.

War (a real one but not necessarily WW3) is always when tech is a top priority and people give a shit, WW2, cold war space race are where we got a lot of the awesome tech we take for granted now

alternatively (and very unlikely because normies are always idiots) make normies / women actually care about advancing science and technology in some fundamental way and not just the lazy gimmicky narcissistic applications of it that make their life even more mindlessly easy and comfortable

a major push towards private space industry that made a few new billionaires and got us a significant off-world colony / space station or some sort would probably be the most likely way it will happen i m o

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>tegnology is slow
>can have 50Tf computer with 2 GPUs, which was considered a supercomputer in 2002s
>b..but muh tripleA gaymes aren't realistic enough!
>where's 8k 420Hz monitors!?
fuck off cunt


Blame something on someone and go to war.

This is how every major science and technology boom starts.

What kind of advances would you like to see?

They are fucking slow.

if you were dropped off in the 90s and had a fully working iphone x you'd be a god on earth

don't blame technology just because you're trapped into playing video games and watching porn all day. we've got self driving cars and we can grow organs, shit is about to get scary

This line of argument is so tedious. The iPhone X would be considered pretty but totally useless in the 90s, especially considering the power that you should have by the comparison of the hardware of the time.

> we've got self driving cars and we can grow organs, shit is about to get scary
Who's "we"? What I've got is a totally stagnant computer experience because my 15 year old PC is just as responsive as my brand new one.

You sound mentally challenged, there's absolutely nothing you can do.

Technology actually means more than consumer electronics toys to some people, not many on this board though obviously.

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the point is that you've barely figured out how to use that 15 year old pc to improve your life, so stop whining

Intel will use AI to create new powerful chips way more faster.

yep most major Innovations come from war and the space industry

Attached: s41X7d9.gif (384x384, 2.31M)

All you'd be left with is one giant radioactive shitheap.
No one in their right mind would dare instigate war against a nuclear superpower.
Countries that are easily exploited get the shit end of the stick.
Such engagements are not even beneficial for technological progress since there is no competition nor drive.
Plenty of innovation and technological progress can happen without war.
All research boils down to is a huge binary tree of trial and error until a breakthrough occurs and something sticks.
When your country's ass on the line the resources (manpower, materials, money,etc...) are diverted and channeled towards technology associated with warfare increasing the chances of achieving a breakthrough in that area.

What it really boils down to is governance and where resources are spent.

>binary tree
that implies only 2 states, horrible analogy ignore it.

The only way that'll happen is if innovation stops being monopolized by the state and the corporate socialist structure it employs.


Would . . . install Gentoo on her machine.

Technology developmennt is currently driven by random chance. We have stopped being able to put together elements logically to make something larger, because the whole is too much for anyone to grasp. The best thing we can do right now is work on AI to purposefully build technology we want with the shortest path.

I want to headpat her

You should ask software to advance instead.




What is it good for?

write better software
instead of bloated websites and bloated browsers and bloated operating everything
god damn


I still have a hard time trying to think how this would be good for our species. We're at the point at which we are only not satisfied with what we have because we are promised more. We depend on technology almost like we'd rather starve than let go of it. We are constantly trying to replace ourselves with machines and we have become sedentary to a level that is truly disgusting. We can no longer tell what is luxury and what is necessity.

We're sort of reaching the limit of what can be done with traditional computers. Analog computers when?

Absolutely nothing

I feel like a huge part of the issue is the old tower of babel problem. Everyone is using different tools and reinventing their own wheels. Part of why things advance so quickly during wartime is that major political superpowers spare no expense in consolidating the best and brightest into these concentrated super groups (like the Manhattan project) that are competing in a winner-takes-all gambit. The only way to get that outside of wartime is if we learn how to network the best minds with the best ideas together without the threat of war forcing the best thinkers in each group to push technology forward. In peacetime, everyone would rather be the biggest fish in their pond, because that's what pays best and keeps a cushy lifestyle going. Habit, economics, and human nature are the biggest obstacles to fulfilling our technological potential.

Here's a spoiler: it always has been.

A war.

I wonder how many music player applications we've developed as a civilization so far.

>advance faster
I dunno if we should.
Are you some advanced AI?

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>a major push towards private space industry that made a few new billionaires

>ever responsible for any kind of innovation

How fucking delusional are you, kid? Seriously. Or did you mean the kind of "innovative" billionaires like Elon Musk?

You're optimistic thinking its only about half; nine-tenths of the shit Sup Forums rages about doesn't exist outside of the internet.

gib cunny

It's gotta be somewhere in between one thousand and twenty thousand. Computer science and electrical engineering are just gigantic clusterfucks. Though it's antithetical to FOSS ideals, maybe the landscape would be better if distributing any kind of software whatsoever, even for free, required a programming licence that proved you understand and will abide by certain standards that cover all the major layers of computational abstraction; something like POSIX but broader and deeper. Then programming curricula would center around the standards, with more advanced degrees going deeper into the "why" of the standards. I'm generally anti-totalitarian, but 90% of surviving in Comp Sci and EE is learning not to drown under all the complexity we've created in trying to get all these arbitrary systems to interoperate. Too much freedom + too much power => utter chaos.

the only reasonable post in this thread, probably came from /sci/ poster