What is something everyone wanted 5 years ago that is now affordable on ebay?

What is something everyone wanted 5 years ago that is now affordable on ebay?

Attached: 6x853crauupz.jpg (2000x1370, 2.12M)

Your mother.

whatever smartphone came out that year

a graphics card

Aids medicine.

I wanted the Apple Thunderbolt display, it's like 250 on eBay now. Used to be like 900.

Anything audio related.

Good dacs can be had dirt cheap if you look at the chip manufacturer and not the product brand.

There's some nice cheap saber options out there for less than 100 that do everything I ask for and much more useless shit like dsd.



>What is something everyone wanted 5 years ago that is now affordable on ebay?
You're Mom.

Fuck off user, that's _MY_ joke.

Fucking redditor. Gay italics don't work on this site.

what did he mean by this?

This is Orion. The big yellow blob is Betelgeuse. Just think, every single point of light you see is a star with it's own planets

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mom said only "faggots" get aids, son

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good goy swallowing the (((space))) meme


good goy everyone that disagrees with you is a conspiritard

Nice to see some space pics, telescopes are technolo/g/y after all.

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probably whatever new smartphones that had just come out at the time. also thinkpads, dependind on your definition of 'everyone'

>not having apod as your sddm wallpaper

>what did he mean by this?
He is trying to establish moral superiority by use of an ad hominem attack.

who the fuck ever wanted that?