Had a guy delid my 8700k but the temps aren't even any lower...

Had a guy delid my 8700k but the temps aren't even any lower. Someone said to not silicone the IHS back on (which was done), just use the clip on the motherboard to keep it in place.

Should I take the lid off and remove the glue on the lid to see if temps go lower?

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The whole point of the delid is to replace the thermal material with liquid metal (or in general something with substantially higher thermal conductivity)

If he didn't use a liquid metal TIM then you got ripped off

>Had a guy delid my 8700k

He did I just think the silicone he used to glue it back on is not getting the IHS as close to the die as delidding is supposed to
Poor person detected

top jej

Attached: eJm74ol.png (798x448, 300K)

remove the thermal paste and replace it with liquid metal on the IHS and CPU die
don't put silicone back on the IHS
instead put it in the socket and use the pressure of the locking mechanism and cooler to keep it there

that's a 2011 cpu

Ok ill take the lid off again and get rid of the glue so the IHS is hard up against the die. Is arctic silver 5 ok to use between die, IHS and cooling block?

that's a soldered cpu in OP pic

>silver 5 between die and IHS
Or Atleast for a week until I can get the correct conductant

just wait until you get proper liquid metal

Get a direct die kit, faggot.

Link me to one for a h110i and z370-i then ya useless cunt

I used silicone on my delid and still got way lower temps. All you have to do it put a dot of silicone in each corner. You ever heard the saying, "If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself?"

>Poor person detected
lol is this faggot serious?

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>Had a guy delid my 8700k
there's nothing quite as pointless as delidding unless you're just doing it for the sake of it. like what are you expecting to happen, shit to magically improve?

today's CPUs are pretty good out the box, explain your reasoning

>paying someone to tear apart your cpu
>not just buying a liquid cooling kit

Your cash to brains ratio is massive.

Found the shintel kike

>he saw a video on youtube
Literally no one researches anything anymore. Kids just hop on youtube and believer whatever crap their favorite youtube stars are spitting out

what temps were you at before you paid this guy to delid it?

yeah it's no surprise, people like OP hear about delidding and they rush out thinking they need to get better temps when the ones they have are just fine

we have stuff like that going on over at /vr/, people spending outrageous amounts of money on old crap they could just emulate.

Since he payed someone else to do it too, I imagine he lacked the technical experience needed to do this himself. OP no doubt heard about de-lidding and wanted to be cool.

i wonder how much OP paid him

id charge like 50-70 bucks

'Pretty good' is not good enough. Maybe you like dust in your pc and 55*C idle temps but that is honestly your shitty preference.

>buy amd
>don't have to delid because AMD actually solders in stead of using cum for TIM

Use a Xeon user. No delidd required

i died yesterday

there's dust in your computer right now


You don't have to use liquid metal, but obviously that's one of the better things you could do.
Any compoud on the die that's not worse then the compound on the head spreader itself was will reduce temps with a good heatsink/AIO if placed directly on the die. Don't do it with a cheap stock cooler though, as the head spreader is there to spread heat to cheap coolers that can't take the heat directly from the smaller point, like the die is.

Maybe a few molecules, I clean it weekly.

you don't deserve 8700k if you can't delid it yourself. now face the consequences.

>some intool pays me to delid his cpu
>take the money and don't actually do anything
>return it saying I glued the heat spreader back on for you
Easy money.

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>top yey

>liquid metal

That requires delidding first

gallium mixed with indium/tin in unknown quantities

Trade it for a 1600 lol

I bought a 7600k so I had to delid if I wanted to hit 5.0Ghz overclock without thermal throttling.

>putting gallium anywhere near electronics
Whose bright idea was this?

Works pretty great honestly, dropped my max load temps by 30 degrees.


if you weren't poor you'd buy a better cpu instead of messing about with overclocking and temps, you stupid fuck

I’d say you broke even since it didn’t get any worse but didn’t get any better. If you really don’t know what you are doing then move on unless you have the easy cash to pay for a new processor. Otherwise it sounds like a good way to end up with a fucked processor.

Your first mistake was being a big enough pussy to let someone else touch your computer hardware. How can you be sure it was done right if you let somebody else do it?

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