Next Major Forum / Social Network

What does Sup Forums think of upcoming social media / forums /BBS sites?

Is diaspora* as overrated as it looks?
Are Tor sites the fun ones?

Attached: Diaspora.png (500x220, 35K)

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I don't really like this idea of "social medias" and one website to group everyone.
I would rather prefer providing free tools (in both ways) to people so they can use them to create their own community (voice chat, irc, file sharing, tools to meet up etc.)

If Steemit got traction, it would be pretty fucking lit.

seems reddit tier shit desu senpai

Attached: reddit tier shit.png (601x144, 44K)

Yeah just looked that up. Seems way too expensive to function.

I think paying / donations for servers makes sense but beyond that monetization seems like a quick way to mess things up

It's an open and censorship free platform that leverages blockchain cryptocurrency buzzwors technology

It's not expensive at all

i really like the idea of zeronet but from what i've seen right now it seems like a fragmented clusterfuck of a community

I feel like that's a big issue. Sup Forums / plebbit / FB etc had perfect timing of more people online

Fledgling sites have a hard time building an attractive community now

redbull me on zeronet

Whatever the idea of a social network. I think there are two things to consider :
1- the social media don't bring new (interesting) things compared to what exists, therefore normies won't use it
2- not enough people, no marketing is done.
3- things like diaspora targets freetards, people that are intelligent enought to understand issues regarding privacy. They are also smart enought to not use social media.
And I see more Sup Forums as a forum where you can shitpost than a social media

i disagree

new platforms are still capable of being very successful

i think the problem is that grassroots platforms lack resources to compete with major platforms

people use new stuff like discord because frankly they are much more developed than open-source efforts. shitloads of VC funding goes into UX and functionality and marketing that makes it very hard for an open-source platform to compete.

That's fair. It seems like death-by-monetization is a looming factor for major online tools, although I suppose that's generalizable for any commercial endeavour tho

zeronet is not a social media technically but it's something that allows people to host decentralized platforms

it's essentially torrenting but instead of seeding solely files, you seed platform code and platform data

if people like your platform/website/whatever then they can seed it, making it more reliable and faster to other peers

it's a cool idea but it's still very early on in development, give it a try

Facebook was a regression when compared to Myspace. Myspace had more features, and was equally capable. I think the biggest confounding factor is accessibility more than expandability or features. I don't suspect people would be willing to compromise FB's featureset though. You have to streamline it so Grandma can use it, but still have self-moderated community with a wide set of tools.

Those are fair points

A big reason I posted is because I see the dilution of plebbit and the Chans and especially as time goes on

I was really hoping that decentralized networks would be promising but at this rate the Chans and Tor forums seem a lot more interesting

That shit is a meme. Next winners are going to follow the same formula but promise to protect your privacy and use chronological sorting.


there's still time tho, decentralized tech is still relatively bleeding edge. i expect more in the future

Thanks for reminding me about steemit, just withdrew $700 that I made from uploading 4 of my articles on there lmao


Holy shit diaspora still exists?

>I would rather prefer providing free tools (in both ways) to people so they can use them to create their own community (voice chat, irc, file sharing, tools to meet up etc.)

That requires a level of computer expertise that a lot of people weren't and still don't seem to be taught in school these days even though they should be.

>Tor forums
Only if you're a pedo.

Minds will be the next "big thing"

Attached: Minds-Logo.png (1038x470, 53K)

Honestly i really like minds.
The creators are really approachable.
It is technically not private but really if you want privacy then you shouldn't use social media anyway.

8 years ago I thought Diaspora wouldn't go anywhere and I was completely right!

Social media can be anonymous and hide your identity.

Lmao i remember this being shilled like 6 years ago

Mastodon is gaining traction and it will surpass twitter soon. As for BBS they fill a niche, just look at how many chinese use BBS.

The fact that people make money by predictively upvoting or posting popular content ensures the quality of visible content will always be the lowest possible, AND the only way to make it profitable in the sense that steemit wants it to be is for users to post craptastic clickbait.

That niche being "people who didn't keep up with the times", that's pretty much it. That's not really a niche.

Current web is a disaster, me might as well start again.

I use diaspora (not for anything serious thou) since some Sup Forumsentooman create a pod back then.
The original pod was left for dead by its creator, an other guy made a new pod at

Agreed. Problem is multifold: all available competing platforms have their cons and pros, none are fully capable of everything (maidsafe never ever). Regardless, lack of traction (and consolidation). Moreover, open problems like safe distributed computing and storage. Finally, FUD from people repeating FUD from governments that tried to arrest people for having encrypted CP which they couldn't decrypt on account of the fact it was part of e.g. freenet and they had never accessed it.
One particular problem is that everyone's trying to redesign upper layers of the network stack with current-web compatibility in mind when that is inherently a massive mistake. Sites shouldn't broadcast client-side logic. Clients should handle client-side logic in a site-agnostic way based on style and data delivered by the site.

awful name

You mean the fork of the decade old social network gnu social ?
The fork of gnu social who got massively shilled by fake news journalist ?
The fork of gnu social who datamines it's users ?
The fork of gnu social made by a tyrannical antifa furie dev ?
The fork who DDOS gnu social instances multiple times ?
The fork that didn't respect RFCs so that gnu social devs couldn't know how to adapt their instances ?
The fork that is actually using blocklist made by a Microsoft employee ?
The Microsoft employee who is also a W3C member ?
And by coincidence the original protocol of gnusocial ostatus is being replaced and accepted at W3C by another one which does not make things better.
I can fucking go one on this subject.
The only reason that mastodon is more than a small fork made by a sjw faggot is that some corp or gov nigger thought that it could be a menace and shilled the worst piece of code maintained by a greedy patreon communist who has no morales and then extend that control with other drones around so that the network gradually turns into another twitter.
It's just another way of control if you want people to not get trapped by it they need to use a gnu social instance and federate normally.