Arrg leenugs :DDDD

arrg leenugs :DDDD

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Other urls found in this thread:

begman -jew :DDDDD

gualadee bread

bost spurdofetch :D

Attached: :DDDD.png (734x441, 54K)

bud my compooder is microsofd


So what is the appeal of the ``spurdo'' meme exactly?

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zorg :DD

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id mages me smile :DD

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dribpag pls leeb DDDDD-:

do mogg newfags lige you :DDD

I'd jusd lige do inderjegd for a momend. Whad you’re referring do as linugs, is in fagd, gnu/linugs, or as i’ve regendly dagen do galling id, gnu blus linugs. Linugs is nod an oberading sysdem undo idself, bud radher anodher free gombonend of a fully fungdioning gnu sysdem made useful by dhe gnu gorelibs, shell udilidies and vidal sysdem gombonends gombrising a full os as defined :DD by bosigs. Many gombuder users run a modified :DD version of dhe gnu sysdem every day, widhoud realising id. Dhrough a beguliar durn of evends, dhe version of gnu whigh is widely used :DD doday is ofden galled :DD “linugs”, and many of ids users are nod aware dhad id is basigally dhe gnu sysdem, develobed :DD by dhe gnu brojegd. Dhere really is a linugs, and dhese beoble are using id, bud id is jusd a bard of dhe sysdem dhey use. Linugs is dhe gernel: dhe brogram in dhe sysdem dhad allogades dhe maghine’s resourges do dhe odher brograms dhad you run. Dhe gernel is an essendial bard of an oberading sysdem, bud useless by idself; id gan only fungdion in dhe gondegsd of a gomblede oberading sysdem. Linugs is normally used :DD in gombinadion widh dhe gnu oberading sysdem: dhe whole sysdem is basigally gnu widh linugs added, or gnu/linugs. All dhe so-galled :DD “linugs” disdribudions are really disdribudions of gnu/linugs.

Read it out loud as if you were a drunk Finnish man.

spurdo abt insdall rmssay :DDDDDD

bagman -Sprolo
oh fug :DDD mum gancel my meedinbs

gvalidy shitbozding :DDDdd

apu > spurdo

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ibs a gud thred :DDD

t. spudro

spurdo mazdur race :DDD

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bagaur :DDD

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yaourt :DDD

>spurdo bagman -Syu
Fugg :DD X---DDD

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Benis :----DDDDdd

Teh obsoloot madman! :DDDD

ARG YvAhTm? :-QQQQQQQQ 0101010

I like the version better that starts something like
fug :DDD gnu/benix

It oozes childish innocence.

bud bennis sysdems disdribution is bedder :DDDDDD

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kapsois dededededede

*VHS Evegd :D* *Old winyl bleys in de bakgrund :-DDDDDDDD*

>no pents

>`` ''

don't forget to install autospurdo

spurdo widger :DDD

A for effort

do you guys lige my bhb bage? :DDDDDD

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insdall ebinRC :DDD

no figiting D:D

>Guise loog I made myself regognizable on anoneemus boardd :DDDD

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that is a gondola
gondol does not speak
he is just a silent observer

I'm a newfag to /t/, and don't know why you guys shit on Arch. It's what I use, and it's everything I ever wanted. I'm not a linux-pro, but I've used ubuntu, redhat, and fedora since the early 2000's, and never been happier than with Arch. What exactly is wrong with it, in your eyes?

Nothing wrong with Arch Linux. This thread is just some lighthearted fun and when you see other people "shitting on Arch" then it's mostly directed at a certain portion of its userbase. I'm pretty sure you know what portion I mean.

fug :DDD:DD is BNU/benix not jus benix :DD, or BNU blus benix :D: benix isnt obreadig szytem, but a bard of a fugtionig szytem made ussfug by BNU gorlib, zhel udilidies an bital szytem bards to a vull OZ as debind by BOSIGS :DDDDDD :DD many gombuder usgers run a bodifid berzion of the BNU szytem ebry day widoud knowig DD:DD :DDD thgrou a beguliar :D jain ob ebengts, the berzion of BNU wigeley usd doday is obden jus “benix :DD”, ad beny ob its usgers not abare thad ids basigly the BNU szytem, debelobd by the BNU Brojegd :DDD:D: DD there rily is a Benix :D:D, and thegs beobl are usig it :DD but ids jusd a bart ob the szytem they usge :DDD Benix :D is the gernel :DD the brograbm in the szytem thad allogads the bajines :DD rezörses to odger brograms that you run :DDD:D gernel is ezsendial bart ob oberadig szytem :DDD but uzles by idself :DDDDDD it can odly fugtion id gontegxt ob a gombled oberadig szydem :DDD:D benix id ngormadly uzgd in gobinadon wid BNU oberadig szydem :D:DD whol szytem is basigly BNU :DD:DD: wid benix :DD or BNU/benix :DDDDDD:DDD DD all so-gald “benix :DD” disdribugons are really disdibutons ob BNU/benix :DDD:DD D:DD :DDD :D :D

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