Vim users are superior

Vim users are superior.

Attached: Vimlogo.svg.png (1200x1202, 106K)

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>not being kakoune masterrace


Attached: screenshot.png (741x1177, 94K)

>vi anything
Why would you subject yourself to this madness, memorizing twisted, complex keybinds and commands instead of simple mnemonic keys like emacs?
>inb4 emacs hurts muh feminine hands
Stop being a soyfag.

The only thing vi keys are good for are roguelike games.

>emacs anything
>Why would you subject yourself to this madness, memorizing twisted, complex keybinds and commands instead of simple mnemonic keys like vi?

Except all emacs commands are mnemonic. Vi shit has only a handful of mnemonic commands, half of those are navigation commands.

I am a proud vim user.

Well good thing I don't use vi. I use the newer, more awesome vim. However, I don't have any ill will towards emacs.

>how do I close vim?

Yeah, like ctrl-/. It's obviously undo unlike the weird vi key: 'u'

q(uit) is so unmnemonic!

vim is just a bundle of hacks on top of vi, which was a bundle of hacks on top of ed

Emacs undo is 'C-x u', 'C-/' is there for convenience, which you would be able to discover since emacs is self-documenting.

The first thing that comes to mind when I want to undo something is hit ctrl-x.
>since emacs is self-documenting.
so is vim

Why not the even more awesome neovim?

>so is vim
Yeah which is why people struggling with something basic as quitting the editor has become a known meme about vim.

retards who can't even press F1 to enter the excellent online help (which is even mentioned in the splash screen) probably won't be able to figure out emacs either

I still have no idea how to copy things from, say, firefox into vim. It hurts my pea brain.

have you tried pasting?

shift-ins to paste from from xorg/windows clipboard

pp doesnt work because it only works within vim
ctrl + v doesnt work
middle mouse button doesnt work
People when I search in google keep saying to use keyboard combinations and none work

Thank you, at last something that works,

Attached: me.jpg (645x729, 81K)

"+p or "*p to paste from x-'clipboard' or middle mouse. Not in insert mode ofc. ctrl+shift+v works for me in instert mode using urxvt as well.

ctrl+alt+v rather

in my experience, only shift ins works properly

you wouldn't have any problems with emacs, works out of the box

Check "vim --version", your vim build was most likely compiled without "xterm-clipboard".
Or just use gvim.

What can neovim do that vim cannot?

Literally nothing

> be me this morning
> try to stop my internal HD from mounting in Mac OS after boot
> learn that /etc/fstab is not the way to go in MacOS
> sudo vifs
OMG. Where am I? How do I even edit? Or create a new line?
Sometimes pressing 'x' deletes the character that my cursor is overtop?
Wait, I press 'i' to start entering text? Why do I have a cursor on the screen at all?
Saving.. uh, :w followed by a :q
What the what.

What can neovim/vim do what Emacs cannot?

Not be bloated

Natively concatenate muscle-memory wired keys the way humans assemble letters into words.

Not give you cts like Stallman by constantly using awkward binds

Emacs is a nice OS, just doesnt have a good default editor
Vim is a great editor

>not ctrl+_

How many man months of effort does it take to be proficient in editing in vi?
Will you ever win this time back over the lifetime of your editing of documents?

What you get wrong is that you dont need months
You need a few minutes each day, for a few months.
Like what you wanna do now, look it up on vim documentation, use the vi way, and keep using that, after you're used to it, use another new command and so on.
You can still use vim like any other editor so its not really wasting you any time

This will make Vim do the right thing™ with the clipboard:
set clipboard=unnamedplus

You need the vim-gtk or vim-gnome packages in ubuntu.

So are mac users.
No surprise there.

the relief of not having a fucked up pinky

>tfw when a Sup Forums meme is more than just a meme
So glad I decided to learn the basics of Vim.

If you use Pycharm with Vim mode enabled, you have a 61% chance of passing the interview.

>Unironically using vim/emacs over visual studio or Qt Creator in 2018

Emacs takes way less ram than the average vim config roided up with gazillion of addons.

You can develop muscle-memory with any set of keybinds. Emacs keybinds are no worse than vims, if not better.


Vim is just a text editor, while Emacs is a general purpose editor, an extremely efficient human-text interface, the next logical step after the terminal.

>Emacs takes way less ram than the average vim config roided up with gazillion of addons.
Retards bloat up both editors. Just look at spacemacs.

My vim takes up 12kb

>Unironically bloating your computer with Vim
No thanks
>Not avoiding bloatware by using a magnetically tipped Carbon Fiber strand to manually flip individual bits on your HDD

Even when looking at stock editors, you have to take into account that emacs has a built in terminal, file manager, web browser, irc client, mail client, rss client, calendar, pdf viewer, notes organizer and probably other features that I can't recall right now. If somebody would replace third-party software with these emacs features and use them exclusively he would save way more space and memory than using vim + other software. Emacs is extremely lean when you take advantage of everything it offers.

You don't need the quote plus register support compiled into vim to paste from the system clipoard into vim. But indentation of pasted code can get messed up because of vim's own indenting system. There's a workaround for that problem, tho.
:help pastetoggle

>Even when looking at stock editors, you have to take into account that emacs has a built in terminal, file manager, web browser, irc client, mail client, rss client, calendar, pdf viewer, notes organizer and probably other features that I can't recall right now
Hence it can not be bloated

>Emacs is extremely lean when you take advantage of everything it offers.
When was the last time you played emacs builtin pong?

vim is great for stuff you dont compile. but when you have to debug compiled language, it sucks. it is good for js and python kind of stuff.

Kak litterally means shit in dutch

Vim isn't harder to learn the basics of compared to nano or pico.
Vim can do a lot more, so you keep on learning longer.

>Hence it can not be bloated
Yes exactly, emacs is less bloated than vim + external applications.

>externall onsite success rate
>emacs -18%

No, but seriously. I've met plenty of "vim users" that had minimal knowledge of vim and mostly did verything in insert mode. There is no clear rule that says if you use vim you must be amazing. But many of those that are proficient in vim usage usually would also be decent in anything else, since it indicates that they took the time and effort to learn their favourite tool well in order to be more comfy/efficient.

Attached: kek.jpg (600x375, 19K)

It may also be
set clipboard=unnamed
depending on your OS

>MacOS on the lead
Thank you based Steve Jobs

I use vim for programming, and I prefer it over other editors I've used, but it's FAR from perfect.

There's things sublime does better. Just use the editors you want people.

I prefer Acme

Attached: Acme.png (1130x930, 55K)

Vi is the best

Just switched from Vim to Emacs purely because of org-mode. I don't like having two editors and none of the implementations of org-mode into Vim are full-featured enough. Can't do simple shit like recurring tasks.

If I'm using / or ? to search, how do I move the cursor to the end rather than start of the searched text?

get back in the closet and learn spacemacs

n a n o

btw here's my nanorc

You misspelled "emacs with evil mode"

>Western European people are most attractive in the whole world
>because whole world is under control of the British crown

>Vim users are superior
>because the interviews are under control of the people thinking Vim users are superior

nope, vim users are faggots.

emacs rules.

>Western European people are most attractive in the whole world
>because whole world is under control of the British crown

Or maybe it’s because white people have more colors on them than different shades of brown.

I've set up vim recently to be more or less a complete IDE for go. It's really spoiled me. I don't even have to type indents or look up imports. I just hammer out some code, tab complete words, hit :w and it auto-formats and adds/removes imports. ,b to build, ,t to test.

Now I find it incredibly difficult to work on other languages. I'm almost to the point of going to an IDE for python. Is there a way to do things like word completion/auto imports in python with vim?

>White people
What you are talking about are Caucasian people. Iranians and Afghans are, according to Nazis, the purest of Whites possible, even more than Scandinavians and Germans.

>more colors
So you think having "colour" makes someone attractive? You are aware attractiveness is based off of cultural value? The reason why "having more colours" is considered attractive in the whole world is exactly this: British people (as in the ones with colour) are ruling the world and thus enforcing their own culture everywhere.

If Japan would not have gotten raped by the British/German exclave calling themselves Americans then their beauty standard would not be for example having non-mongoloid eyes or red hair.

Congratulations you just found what typical IDEs do on their own. And this is probably also the reason why those idiots got off so terrible at this exam because they were used to their IDE doing it automatically.

>How many man months of effort does it take to be proficient in editing in vi?
It's really not fucking hard. A few days, and you'll be "proficient", meaning that you'll be able to edit shit quickly as fuck.

I don't understand the "Vim is so hard" meme. Even personalizing is pretty fucking easy.

I like it to edit config files
changing single characters with r
visual mode to (un)comment multiple lines at once
or replacing every instance of a word in a line/file
just too damn handy

then again, even with all the plugins, a proper IDE isn't too bad either, but for c/c++ vim is pretty much top tier