How many album copies has your favorite artist sold?

How many album copies has your favorite artist sold?

Adele has sold more than 50 million albums (with only 3 releases). More than the likes of Radiohead, Beyonce etc.

Other urls found in this thread:

>selling copies

I agree, album sales determine the quality of the music.

>Oh look, more cups that I can eat ice cream from

>2009 + 7
>being a fat slob

>what the fuck these are real
>someone told me they would be cakes in the shape of awards

Like these?

>think everyone would bash op for caring about stupid shit like sales
>thread is just making fun of adele for being fat

Will Adele be the most legendary recording artist of the 21st century?

But of course. Noone even comes close to her power. She has a 30 million selling album, even Madonna doesn't have that.

Well, they must be insecure of their favorite's record sales.

27 mil, but that data may be faulty. Of course, most successful recording acts don't rely on pandering to sad fat chicks as a sad fat chick to be successful because that crowd is too easy to market to.

>27 mil
Ok numbers depending on who is it.

a hunna

literally me

lol, adele's a legend

170 million in sales based on this source.

Lol that counts singles, too. Probably still inflated a litte bit.

I wasn't going to do the math on the wiki page. so I cited the source document from the wiki.

400 million

Madonna had sex appeal


ten thousand gorillion copies

not a fan of adele but that new music video made me rock hard

i want her to jerk me off wearing those long ass nails

you can't post one ugly picture of madonna in an attempt to discredit the very obvious sex appeal she had when she was relevant