The Command Line is RETARDED

It's old, ugly and muh init options can be easily replaced by a polished and intuitive menu. You can't prove me wrong.

Attached: serveimage.png (1301x539, 167K)

It exists for a reason, you don't have to use it.

Why do you invite discussion by posting a thread only to say "hur dur your opinion is automatically WRONG"..?

Another troll thread. Yay.

One evening, Master Foo and Nubi attended a gathering of programmers who had met to learn from each other. One of the programmers asked Nubi to what school he and his master belonged. Upon being told they were followers of the Great Way of Unix, the programmer grew scornful.
“The command-line tools of Unix are crude and backward,” he scoffed. “Modern, properly designed operating systems do everything through a graphical user interface.”
Master Foo said nothing, but pointed at the moon. A nearby dog began to bark at the master's hand.
“I don't understand you!” said the programmer.
Master Foo remained silent, and pointed at an image of the Buddha. Then he pointed at a window.
“What are you trying to tell me?” asked the programmer.
Master Foo pointed at the programmer's head. Then he pointed at a rock.
“Why can't you make yourself clear?” demanded the programmer.
Master Foo frowned thoughtfully, tapped the programmer twice on the nose, and dropped him in a nearby trashcan.
As the programmer was attempting to extricate himself from the garbage, the dog wandered over and piddled on him.
At that moment, the programmer achieved enlightenment.

You could literally create a GUI command line. SAP is basically this.


go throw a tantrum somewhere else faggot

Attached: i-dont-like-thing-ok.jpg (500x640, 66K)

Humans use language based communication naturally. It makes more sense to develop a language for communicating with our technology that's expressive and easy to learn, then adding menu options for everything you want to do

The only thing that's retarded here is OP

>You can't prove me wrong.
Oh yes I can, Microsoft released powershell two years ago because he found command line based tools are much better in terms of performance, productivity and robustness when you are professional sysadmins and developers. End unskilled social sciences users like you have a lot of UI based utils don't worry.

shhhh, it's the only reason why most of us here make a paycheck, OP

Thats why I love CLI , its a natural way for using computer and tell what to and how to do it instead of choosing bewteen limited options.

>ls -a -l /
>command line is retarded

You don't know what the command line is, user.

Attached: 209438.jpg (320x320, 19K)


Now find all files containing dates between 2017-03-25 and 2018-03-25, followed by a TODO(@username) and replace username with username2.
Few pipes and regex using cli tools, no way to do it in GUI. There are better examples, but you get the idea. CLI allows you to use the computer *your* way. GUI forces you to do it the GUI way, making it unreasonably tedious to use in anything but the most trivial use-case.

you will never understand the power of this
for var in $(cat myServerlist.txt)
ssh $var "echo op its a ridiculous fag"

This one is still my favorite.

navanshu poo hoo in loo
pajeet can't into terminal

sometimes, clicking and dragging and visually manipulating data is better (eg, picking exactly a set of files
often though, you want a way to repeat things on a large set of files, or utilize a machine remotely, or easily combine the output of several programs into one result, or match filenames based on a pattern

thus, the command line
through standard graphical means, automation is a pain in the ass, remote access is slow, and I've got no idea where to begin with combining program output graphically beyond manually having each program operating on a saved file in turn
doing pattern matching in a GUI generally ends up being about identical to doing it in a CLI, since there's no real mouse-oriented way to do it

there's more possibilities, I'm just tired as shit and these were the immediate ones that came to mind
piping is probably the biggest one for me, being able to quickly chain a bunch of shit together is a day-to-day requirement

Opinions, opinions... Opinions everywhere.
That's not how you ask for help understanding something.