>computers are getting slower
>we need a language that will give us great versatility yet remain small and fast
>that language is forth

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Swift, you dingus.



c is tried and true

>computers are getting slower
What did he mean by this?

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Scala is pretty good boys. Learn how to functional program.

Compiling scala sucks ass

he means they are accelerating at a slower rate i think. they are getting faster, but not at the rate they were before. Like, the derivitive of 'maximum computer speed' is nearing 0.

Our programs are getting more demanding faster than our hardware is improving.

True compile times suck but everything else is better than most languages out there.

We already do have the hardware to handle our programs. It's just not getting to the average person.

win32asm you plebian cunts

it doesn't help that we have shit like buttcoin needlessly driving prices up

Okay, so what's with the sudden and massive influx of Forth posts? Is this some coordinated shitposting effort, or just one kid who recently discovered the language?

No I think that forth is just genuinely becoming a meme on it's own.

We must look at the history of these languages.

Forth was one of the candidates of langauges to be used by the military, however I think because of it's nature it didn't seem like it could do alot, and so Darpa chose to pursue common lisp.

Then in the 1980s there was the ai winter and lisp was defunded.

Flash forwards to 2018 a number of functional programming languages like haskell and yes even lisp are back on the rise. It seems like the era that we are in is an exploratory era for language design.

And so it's natural that some old meme languages like forth and apl would be opened again and relooked at by the internet.

So, in other words, it's just one kid who read a Wikipedia article a couple of weeks back and wants to force the next "big meemay" on Sup Forums. Got it.

That language is Go

Steve, you're back from the dead?

Fifth would surely be better.


Yes. This is now iChan.

Ay hol up. Do I hear Elixir?

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Why can't we just teach computers English, or any human language? I'll settle for Klingon.

Vid i think

Western women are fucking retarded!

>women are fucking retarded!

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muh based asian girls. they're all the fucking same.

No. Asians are fucking retarded too.

This, C will forever be the Chad language. If you think it's too difficult, you are a brainlet.

Programmers need to pull their collective fingers out and stop relying on so many layers of abstraction and building on frameworks of frameworks, and learn to write good, efficient programs.